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Responses: 3
MSgt Steve Sweeney
Just watched a good interview with Jon Stewart and Geoffrey Berman (former SDNY USDA) on this very topic.
SGT Unit Supply Specialist
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MSgt Steve Sweeney the Jon Stewart link was excellent. I took the liberty of re-posting it to all 20 on my "Mention" list. Anyone truly interested in the truth... from an insider... should take the time to listen to this. Thanks for posting this.
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SGT Disabled Veteran
Let's assume for a moment that all these allegations against Trump have merit and need to be investigated. Ok fine, investigate. Leave no stone unturned and get all the facts and evidence. Not what someone's opinion is, or suspicions are, but actual proven facts and verifiable evidence. If it can be proven, then fine, prosecute him.
Do you believe in even application of the law? Do you believe that no one is above the law? From the President all the way down to the common average citizen, and everyone in between? If so, then the whole Hunter Biden laptop mess needs equal application of the law to be investigated also. There's plenty of information there to suggest that not only Hunter Biden, but the entire Biden family, including Joe Biden, have violated several laws.
Many of the allegations made against Trump are the same as those made against Biden. Shady business practices, tax evasion, money received from foreign governments who are our adversaries, etc. I believe that both Trump and the Biden family should both be equally investigated, and the investigation should not be partisan for either side.
If you remember the whole Trump/Russian collusion scandal that went on for years, was proven to be totally false. It was literally a made up story by Hillary Clinton and her campaign. It was proven that the Steele dossier was a fictitious, made up document that Hillary Clinton paid for.
That's why I don't trust most of the mainstream media, particularly MSNBC and CNN, who both kept running with the story even after it was proven to be false.
We don't have even application of the law in this country any more. Whichever political party has the majority in our government, (Republican or Democrat), things will always tend to go in their favor, and the minority side will almost always end up getting screwed. The Democrats have been trying to get Trump on anything they can since before he was sworn into office., because they simply don't like him. When he was President he shook things up. Democrats, (and even some Republicans), didn't like that. When he talked about "draining the swamp", he wasn't talking about draining the Democrat swamp, he was talking about draining THE swamp. Getting rid of corrupt politicians on BOTH sides. So many of our politicians, on both sides, have been sucked into being political elites, and serving themselves, and not the American people. So far, Trump hasn't been found guilty of any crime at all yet.
Listen, I know it sounds like I'm defending Trump, and in a way, I suppose I am. What I am really trying to get at is that there are 2 sets of rules, and 2 sets of laws. One set for the Democrats, and a different set for the Republicans. The law needs to be applied fairly and equally to both sides, but it's not.
The investigations against Trump and the Biden's should both be pursued vigorously and equally. If either one, (or both), are found guilty, then prosecute them.
Well, I've rambled on for long enough now. Whether you agree or disagree with me, I appreciate your time and listening to my opinion. Thank You.
SGT Disabled Veteran
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SGT (Join to see) - Thank you for sharing also. It's nice that two different opinions can respect each other and get along.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
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SGT (Join to see) - Have you ever considered that maybe they (mainstream media) are not covering the magic appearing laptop because very few if any of the claims of authenticity about the laptop can be confirmed or corroborated? A very broken and questionable chain of custody. Nothing that would ever hold up in court under rules of evidence. Additionally, I sure there is plenty of stuff on private citizens personal laptops that, if seen by the public, would not look good. The mainstream media is not reporting on the laptop contents of other private citizens. Why should they report the contents of a magically appearing laptop that allegedly once belonged to Hunter Biden?

On the other hand the "Steele dossier" was just a collection of raw reports, some of which may have certainly been only rumor as much intelligence is before it gets analyzed and vetted. A number of the claims in the dossier were corroborated and confirmed. Besides, it was Trump's Republican primary opponents who first hired Fusion GPS. The Hillary camp just picked up the tab after they were out of the race.
SGT Disabled Veteran
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MSgt Steve Sweeney - Hunter Biden was influence peddling, (among other things), and his Dad was in on it. The mainstream media doesn't want to report on it cause it will make Joe look very bad, and implicate him on a whole host of wrong doings.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
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SGT (Join to see) - Is Hunter Biden having business deals in China illegal? You do know we live in a Capitalist country, right? Is Hunter Biden name dropping his dad for a business deal illegal? If that is the case, you may want to start a probe into Trump Jr. Even in the story you are zeroing in on... Joe Biden gave an opinion, to his son, about an article in the paper... and you are extrapolating into that what you want to believe ... or what they are want you to believe and what they are telling you to think about it.. Very, very thin. It doesn't implicate Joe Biden on anything. Also notice they say "allegedly" talked to his son. Where did they get this recording? Did they verify it? Is it legitimate? Or is just more speculative fodder?
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MSgt Operations Intelligence
More TDS.
SGT Unit Supply Specialist
SGT Unit Supply Specialist
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Proud of my "TDS" Badge of Honor. Awarded for standing up for our democracy & the Constitution.
MSgt Operations Intelligence
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SGT (Join to see) - "standing up for out democracy and the Constitution"..... you are funny. More like supporting the destruction of a country by the Democrat Party.. Guess you still believe that the Southern Border is secured too.
SGT Unit Supply Specialist
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