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LTC Self Employed
The radical left or afraid of losing their greatest puppet so I know they'll be a Schism within the Democratic Party.
SFC John D.
SFC John D.
10 mo
LTC (Join to see) - https://www.rallypoint.com/status-updates/8422470?urlhash=8423160
Just in case anyone disputes your number - the long explanation of how the 'inflation rate' is different than 'inflation'.

The average CPI-U (Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers) was 243.603 for February 2017 (the month after Trump took over), 263.014 for February 2021 (the month after Biden took over), and 305.691 at the end of July this year.

That means it was a 7.97% average price increase during the four years Trump was in office and a 16.2% average price increase from the time that Biden took office (so far .. only 2 1/2 years into his term).

You have to go back to Carter to find a president where the inflation was worse for Biden's timeframe (23.69%)
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
10 mo
LCpl James Klinicki Republicans may have lost but because this is not the party of president clinton, everything has gone into the toilet. You have a stupid president that wants to raise taxes and he doesn't have a master's in Business Administration like President Clinton did just a stupid lawyer at the bottom of his law class. It's interesting that many of these older Democrats like Biden used to be for a strong border but somehow because of his Dementia or just he wants to have a legacy thinking he's going to make a difference when he's probably going to be down there with President Nixon and Andrew Johnson as being the most corrupt presidents ever. They were saying today that the average family is paying $709 because in more expenses compared to two years ago because of extra regulation and mismanagement by this Administration. Look at day one, he changed the Border regulations there's many places worth sections of the border wall are just sitting there rusting. The border wall is not being put together in most places. The Keystone XL pipeline was going to be approved by the Canadian government and subsidized but stupid President Biden didn't confer with a very liberal prime minister Trudeau who wants to transition to clean energy but who also realizes you still need pipelines. He didn't do that. On day one he killed the Keystone XL pipeline and he's blind side of the Canadians and thousands of Canadians were put out of work. I have said in the past the Biden Administration ruins everything it touches, people die like in Afghanistan come up people die at the southern border because now he's incentivized 400 infantry divisions or 6 million people to cross North and many of them did not make it because they drowned, died from cold, died from exposure to heat and dehydration or were murdered by the cartels. Tens of thousands were raped. You had stupid AOC and others crying about kids and Cages under Trump but those kids in cages the cages were built under the Biden administration. Now those kids in cages and those Secret locations are those secret flights are not advertised by the media that protects the Biden administration at all costs. My mom did immigration. She was a consultant working for a United Way agency and she was helping in from 1960 to about 1987 to help immigrate illegal aliens that were already in the country with their kids and it would take 7 years for them to get their residency. People who followed the law outside the USA putting in for a lottery to get a chance to come to the USA have not been screwed over by the Biden administration because just like with the transgender men who could cheat in female sports, now you have illegal aliens who can just cut to the front of the line putting back those people who've been waiting for years.. one of the many things that the Republicans are upset about including many Democrats on the border states is that President Biden is not following the rule of law as far as immigration, he's turned border patrol agents into travel agents. And that's why you have the Republican border states sending these immigrants by bus to Washington DC by Kamala Harris's place, to chicago, to Martha's Vineyard and to New York City and Democrats got really freaking pissed off when they keep doing that but that's what they've been saying. Now that they claim to be a sanctuary city or a sanctuary state, now they're spending millions or billions of dollars. In fact the state of New York is allocating a billion dollars an additional taxes to pay for illegal aliens. That's all self-made self inflicted injuries from Progressive Democrats that don't believe in the rule of law or they don't believe in the nation state. People started seeing the writing on the wall and that's why Republicans were able to secure a minority in the house of representatives. They were predicting a bigger wave, it didn't happen but for 2 years Democrats had the majority in both houses of Congress and they just Fox trotted the country something terrible. Their mandate doesn't help lower the deficit while President Clinton lowered the deficit and I believe he even had a small surplus. President Biden keeps spending like a drunken sailor and he touts his inflation reduction act today and that's a bunch of shit because it's not true! During the 1990s I really didn't care for President Clinton but now Clinton runs circles around our dipshit president of today. But the best is yet to come because the corruption Scandal and the crime syndicate that he's been running is coming to the Forefront and the mainstream media is eventually going to start reporting it.

President Biden keeps lying so much and he said in his campaign ad that he would be a president that would bring us together. He would be accountable and the buck stops with him. He is lying advertising for his presidential campaign said he would be like Harry Truman the Harry Truman ran circles around President biden. Harry Truman fired his General macarthur. Harry Truman was a tough mike foxtrot while President Biden's across between Mr Magoo and Mr Rogers unless he has a fit and doesn't get his ice cream.


Also, the the campaign commercial lies about President Trump not having a plan with a vaccines that's because the states all have their phone FEMA and their own incident command system to deal with dispersing the three vaccines that he did under operation warp speed. Democrats don't talk about that and both our stupid president and vice president were vaccinated before they were sworn in.

SFC (Join to see) PO1 William "Chip" Nagel MSG Joseph Cristofaro LTC Trent Klug SFC John D. SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
10 mo
LCpl James Klinicki Republicans lost but so did the American people. I know you don't believe anything from Fox News but even a year ago President Biden had really low ratings from PBS. Self-inflicted injury done on purpose and even Democrat economists warned him about it.

I remember many times economists and financial people on Fox Business News have said that if President Biden had just stayed in the basement and left everything alone and had it running the way President Trump had left it, this economy will be doing very well right now. Now they're talking about interest rates going up to 7% and the Market's been going down the last couple days because they keep seen the resiliency of people spending the last money they have and so they want to keep raising interest rates because what President Biden is doing is what's called demand destruction. If he were a supply-side trickle-down economics guy like President trump, reagan, Clinton and Kennedy were, they would increase Supply to lower prices instead of raising interest rates to lower prices. So President Biden is full of shit because supply-side trickle down economics works! I'm not talking out of my ass either, I have an international business degree. I have business knowledge and we learned this and economics back when I was in Community College. Economics 101 something most Democrats ignore today except for maybe Senator Manchin of West Virginia and some old school Democrats that don't believe in printing money and spending like crazy.

President Biden won but America loses because he didn't even listen to his own critics. One of this economists that I'm going to show here was The Economist for Clinton and Obama.


SFC (Join to see) PO1 William "Chip" Nagel MSG Joseph Cristofaro SMSgt Lawrence McCarter LTC Trent Klug LCpl James Klinicki SFC John D.

This political commercial done by the Republicans in 2020 may have looked like it was a slam and not true but two and a half years later, it is true because Joe and camela are taking everything from us!
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
10 mo
LCpl James Klinicki

The American people lost. This commercial was so true!

https://youtu.be/DKwKhsg-A84 we got Tricks thinking we had a moderate Democrats that we thought we knew that's been in Congress since the early 1970s. He flipped the script and became completely socialist and became the divider instead of bringing us together. He wasn't searching for the soul of america, he was searching for every last nickel and dime you had in your back pocket. He claims that make America great again Republicans already threat to society when his own government is a threat to society. We've been exposing how he's manipulated social media, how he's weaponized the FBI the Department of Justice and how he's going after political opponents with overkill on purpose because they are a threat to him. At the same time, the disobeyed federal law by not enforcing order security, he lets in 400 infantry divisions or 6 million illegal aliens I think that's cool! He listens to the teachers unions who want to make little kids transgender or doubt their gender before they can read and write. He then sends the FBI after parents who complain that the school board is out of line and the school board and President Biden say that those kids are their kids not the parent's kids.

President Biden portrayed himself as a moderate when he's actually more of a left of Vladimir Lenin Democrat. He lies so much but that could be partly because of his dementia because he claims that his son Beau died in Iraq when he actually died at Walter Reed Army hospital from cancer. President broke back Biden is a detriment to our country. He may be president but he has lower pole ratings and president Trump and definitely lies more than president Trump ever has. He also shows no empathy. We already saw that he did not want to go to East Palestine and he's only going to Maui next week only because the polls are showing that Rank and file Democrat and Republican American people are getting pissed off at him.

SFC (Join to see) PO1 William "Chip" Nagel MSG Joseph Cristofaro LTC Trent Klug
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LTC Self Employed
This is a year and a half ago and even the PBS poll said that President Biden was in the toilet.

Some of you run away like girly men when you see anything from Fox News.

More often than not, every time something crucial comes up against Hunter Biden or president biden, I listen to PBS NewsHour and they don't talk about it or I listen to NPR hourly update and they don't mention it either and they just mentioned stupid golf Delta climate change issues instead!

In the past, leaks and uncorroborated information was talked about openly by all the Trump hating media. You can have committees from Washington DC reporting on financial documents from the 20 shell companies the Biden Administration or the Biden crime family tries to hide the money from russia, ukraine, kazakhstan, China and Romania and the media will ignore it.

SFC (Join to see) SMSgt Lawrence McCarter MSG Joseph Cristofaro SFC John D. LCpl James Klinicki SFC (Join to see) LTC Trent Klug
LTC Self Employed
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
10 mo
LTC Trent Klug one thing you forgot to mention, how the media would be all over it If This Were his son-in-law or Donald Trump Jr doing the same thing with President Trump or even if Trump were Vice President and living off his sons. The media would be all over it but because their democrats, radio silence!

SFC (Join to see) PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SMSgt Lawrence McCarter LTC Trent Klug MSG Joseph Cristofaro SFC John D. LCpl James Klinicki

Remember, the FBI had it 4 years ago and they even interviewed business partner Tony bobalinski after he came forward with his Revelation and the FBI interviewed him and buried his information.

So when Lance corporal talks about Republican abuse of power, he doesn't want to realize that the Democrat abuse of power from changing the rules in the Federal Reserve where no Republican could check on Hunter Biden's a 150 serious Financial incident report or flaggings, when the FBI was talking to social media telling them working with the White House and their disinformation campaign telling the social media behind the scenes with emails and everything not the publish stories that were true on the origin of covid coming from a lab in china. A bunch of other stuff but the Democrats are saying it's not true and now we find out the doctor fauci was lying most of the time.

LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
10 mo
LTC Trent Klug I mean the FBI had the hunter Biden laptop 4 years ago and didn't do anything and yet the president's political advisor who was not the Secretary of State made a fake memorandum signed by 50 retired Intelligence Officers saying that the hunter Biden laptop was a forgery even though it was in the possession of the FBI and they verified that it wasn't Russian and it didn't have Russian disinformation on it.
SFC John D.
SFC John D.
10 mo
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - "Have you noticed that almost every article he posts is from a far left" - yep, that's the only echo-chamber he could find. Not as bad as Charlie who seems to have a love affair with the Medias Touch Network as he quotes them so much.
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SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Both political parties need to come up with better candidates and avoid another Trump Biden situation. Although I twice voted for Trump it's not because I admired Him but was because He was the lesser of two evils. Keep in mind also up until Trump actually sought a political office He was a Democrat and NOT a Republican for whatever that is worth.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
10 mo
I've been voting for the lessor of two evils since Reagan.
SFC John D.
SFC John D.
10 mo
SFC (Join to see) - That seems to be the case for many these days. I remember the Morningstar exit polls from 2020. 44% of Democrats and 22% of Republicans voted for Biden/Trump because it was a vote AGAINST the other guy, not a vote FOR their candidate.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
10 mo
SFC (Join to see) - I agree 100% with that and have been doing exactly the same thing, voting for the lesser of the evils. Reagan was the last President I actually had any real use for.
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