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SGT Unit Supply Specialist
LTC Eugene Chu
"Once regarded as a prestigious luxury brand, former President Donald Trump's namesake hotels and golf courses now appear to be floundering since his departure from the White House and criminal indictments.

Newsweek reported on Friday that bookings are available through 2025 at Trump's branded hotels in Las Vegas, Nevada; New York, New York; Chicago, Illinois and Waikiki, Hawaii. The publication is also reporting that Trump's golf resort in Doral, Florida — where the former president once suggested hosting the G7 summit of world leaders in 2019 — is now offering discounts on tee times of up to $45. Revenue at the Doral resort is down from $75 million in 2017, when Trump assumed the oath of office, to less than $45 million in 2020."...
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Maj John Bell
Edited 7 mo ago
Commercial and residential occupancy rates in major cities run by democrats are low because of democrat policies that are producing high rates of homelessness (both domestic poor and illegal aliens), violent crime, retail theft, illicit drugs, and sex trafficking. All of which leads to lower rates of foot traffic. And foot traffic is the life blood of downtown urban cities.

Most democrats are so highly emotional about President Trump that they would give up oxygen if they knew President Trump was gaining a cent of profit for it. About 33% of registered voters are democrats. So, take them out of the rosters of potential customers. Of independent voters, about half consider themselves liberals/progressives. So that puts some percentage of them off the rosters of potential customers.

Not knowing the party affiliation demographics of golfers, I don't think it is too terribly wild to think that somewhere between 35%-50% of golfers would entirely give up the past time if Trump owned every golf course in the world.

If doubt my analysis, ask Anheuser-Busch, Disney, Target, Best Buy, Twitter(X), Facebook, etc. etc. etc. how politics have affected their profit and loss statement and stock valuation.

SFC John D. Maj Ronald (Ron) Scarpa LTC Trent Klug LTC Stephen C. Lt Col Charlie Brown SGT Axel Hasting Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
7 mo
I would add that a vast majority of resorts all over the US are struggling to fill rooms. It's Bidenomics at work. Most vacations are paid via credit card. Many Americans are having to pay for basics via credit cards due to the cost of inflation and can't afford vacations.
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SPC Russell Nixon
Lmao. Anyone who is a business owner in these trying economic times is feeling what it is like having a Democrat in office, much less Democrat majority in house votes ..

But soon that will change.

You can definitely tell who (successful) business owners are by who they vote for.
SFC John D.
SFC John D.
7 mo
Keeping with the military BLUF, the data below is backup to these simple points (ok .. so I didn't keep it to the bottom line, but I'm too tired to rewrite it).
- The economy is booming, just ask the administration, they'll tell you it's great! They'll also tell you there isn't a problem at the border, but that's another discussion. GDP growth isn't causing inflation - it's the other way around. If this goes on too long, THEN GDP growth starts to causes inflation which then runs the risk of turning into hyperinflation.
- Inflation under this administration has increased 17.4% since it started. The only other Presidency that had a worse level of inflation over the same time period was Carter who's increase was about 24% by this time. Yes, the inflation rate has come down from the high levels of last summer, but contrary to the limited understand by some, inflation doesn't decrease when the rate comes down - the speed of increase slows down.
- Wages have increased from the start of this administration but they are below what is needed to just break even with inflation. The net impact to the average household is that their wages have DECREASE by 5% to date.
- While there are some pie-in-the-sky advocates that jump on the "everything's great!" bandwagon, is it any wonder why only 20% of the country thinks the economy is good or excellent, just shy of half say it's poor (48%), and nearly 70% of Americans say the economy is getting worse.
- There are 3 million individuals sitting at home that shouldn't be. The majority of these never entered the workforce because they didn't have to and as Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin pointed out, when the non-work income ran out a large number of people that didn't go back to work started amassing debt to avoid entering the workforce.
- According to the BLS, 72% (10.3 million) of the claimed 14 million "New jobs" that this administration touts are just old jobs being recovered from the pandemic shutdown.
You can give this administration some credit though as there have been a little more than 3.7 million NEW jobs have been created since they took over, so new jobs ARE being created, but only the most diehard leftists believe this administration's claim of "we created 14 million jobs!" - even the Washington Post and the New York Times call them out on that whopper of a story.

On the good side, the number of job openings soared to 11.6 million in February 2022 with the reopening and have gone down to about 9 million in July of this year. This is usually good as it increases competition and pushes wages up. But the bad side is that the reason there are so many job openings is that the labor force participation numbers are down so much - a great number of people got used to staying home and not having to work for income. That means that businesses aren't in competition to each other, they are in competition with an empty seat - one that won't be filled until until millions more reenter the workforce.

According to the St. Louis Fed, there were (numbers are rounded) 259.5 million people in the available workforce in February 2020 before the Pandemic shutdown of which 164.5 million were employed in the labor force with a 63.37% job participation rate. As of October 2023, there were 8 million more in the available workforce (267.6 million) of which 167.7 million were employed in the labor force for a 62.67% job participation rate.

Just before the pandemic shutdown, there were 4.76 million people that didn't have a job, but wanted one. October's numbers show that number to be 5.37 million people, and increase of only 612k individuals. Furthermore, the marginally attached numbers (those not looking for a job, but would take one) and the discouraged numbers (those that gave up looking for a job) were 1.24M/271k before the shutdown and 1.42M/416k last month.

In other words, with a working age population that grew by 8.14 million individuals, only 40.1% of them joined the workforce and more than 4.2 million individuals that didn't. Historical norms show that about 1.2 million of those would be out of the work force anyways so that leaves 3 million individuals that SHOULD be in the workforce.

Back to the job numbers - it is good that those jobs are recovering and that 3.7 million new ones have been created ... but that number is well beneath where it should be. Over 10 million jobs were "recovery" jobs and not "created" jobs which according to BLS, recovery jobs are filled

If those 3 million individuals were back in the workforce where they belong instead of sitting at home, the job participation rate would be at 63.79% instead of hovering at the lowest (excluding the pandemic shutdown) in 50 years.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
7 mo
SFC John D. and let’s not forget that while the Biden admin is telling us everything is great, they argue they need another term to “fix” the economy.
SPC Russell Nixon
SPC Russell Nixon
SPC Russell Nixon
7 mo
LTC Kevin B. That is an empty talking point, considering it is extremely false. I voted for Dr. Jo Jorgensen, not Trump.

As someone who can remember overhead costs for basic consumer products, goods and services rendered versus the prices now, I'll have to disagree with you.

Just because I still get paid from the government doesn't mean I am going to bend over and grab my ankles for them when they are absolutely incorrect and blatantly lying to us.

You don't have to be a data analyst in order to see global trends in the marketplace much less trends in our national marketplace.

Inflation is caused by printing more bills into circulation supply subject to check. That is literally the only thing that causes inflation.

You don't even need to have had basic economics class in high school to know that.
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