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Responses: 8
MSG Stan Hutchison
From the article:
"by taking control of seven areas of society:"

There it is! Some people insisting they have the right to "take control" of other people.

I prefer personal liberty.
SFC Terry Stinnett
SFC Terry Stinnett
3 mo
Exactly. Pretty certain we all swore an oath to the Constitution including the Bill of Rights.
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CPL LaForest Gray
Video 1 : https://youtu.be/zrazXS2f34Y?si=h9GRi3YEuirZ7YG8

1.) Religion and War:
Past, Present, and Future

Long Term Strategy Group
April 2007

The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author, and should not be construed as official Department of Defense position,
policy or decision.

SOURCE : https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/FOID/Reading%20Room/Other/15-F-0953_DOC_08_Religion_and_War-Past_Present_and_Future.pdf

2.) Religion as a Weapon of War:

Understanding Individual and Collective Aspects of Religion and their Implications for the Concept and Practice of Design

Part I: Religion and Politics
Religion and “the Other”

SOURCE : https://usacac.army.mil/sites/default/files/documents/cace/LREC/religion_as_weapon_of_war.pdf

3.) Religious Perspectives on War :

Christian, Muslim, and Jewish Attitudes Toward Force
Thursday, August 1, 2002

If, when, why, and how to fight a war? In the case of the Gulf War, that debate encompassed three faiths–Christianity, Islam, and Judaism–and the debate has acquired new dimensions in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks and the war on terrorism.

In this volume, Jews, Muslims, and Christians with very diverse views address such issues as the just war doctrine, explaining their differences and finding often surprising common ground.

This new edition reprints the full text of the first edition. A new preface describes the differences and similarities between the Gulf War and the war against al Qaeda/Taliban. Also included is an introduction explaining the just war doctrine, a glossary of terms, and an expanded and updated "Suggestions for Further Reading."

SOURCE : https://www.usip.org/publications/2002/08/religious-perspectives-war

* As conventionally taught, contemporary just-war theory seeks to ensure the political independence and territorial sovereignty of nation-states by insisting that the only just wars are those waged in defense of either one's own state or a third party that has been subjected to attack from without. Religious crusades and wars of national aggrandizement are, on this view, equally criminal.' The sole legitimate purpose of war is to secure a better peace than that which existed prior to war by ensuring the conditions of national inde-pendence.? While the purpose of just wars is to protect human rights, the fundamental importance of the right to collective self-determination means that wars must not attempt to remake the world order if that undermines the twin state rights of independence and sovereignty.}

* However, in recent decades, a set of cosmopolitan alternatives to the traditional theory have emerged that have in common the conceptualization of just wars as those fought in protection of "socially basic" human rights, including security rights against one's government. This monograph provides an overview and analysis of these developments, showing them to provide a radical challenge to the theory and practice of contemporary warfare by calling into question the legitimacy of the nation-state and suggesting the need to strengthen international institutions.

SOURCE : https://press.armywarcollege.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1396&context=monographs
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CPL LaForest Gray
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
3 mo
It prhibits me from establishing a state run religion but it does not prohibit me in any way from speaking about or exercising my beliefs. Others can talk about hteir beleifs as well as I can...if someine is offended by my religous talk they can leave or stay but they willnot silence me from practicing my religion...that is a Constitutional right.
SFC Terry Stinnett
SFC Terry Stinnett
3 mo
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth it means you are not free to.impose it Ala the Seven Mountains, Xtian Dominionism/Xtian nationalist movement
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
3 mo
SFC Terry Stinnett veraus a socialst movement...whether or not they admit it they all have bias and dependent on which side you are one they are apot on or dead wrong.
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