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Responses: 6
SSG Environmental Specialist
Strange how the democrats cry about so called Russian interference in our elections etc, yet they are now doing the same thing with Israel.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
2 mo
MSG Joseph Cristofaro
1. The reason the Arab nations went to war with Israel have everything to do with the 4th Geneva Conventions and International Law, to which Israel is also signatory - that and concern for a belligerent Israeli government demanding they annex the Palestinian territories boarding those nations. As one result of the Nuernberg trials the Geneva Conventions and International were intended to prevent further holocausts - they are the entire basis for the U.N. resolutions that point out Israel's violations, which are in the way the government of Israel violates its "managing" of people who live in the territories Israel has occupied since 1967.

I will have to agree to disagree that Israel is our greatest ally in M.E. Kowtowing to Israel and ignoring the violations, vetoing the resolutions, has done more long term damage to our nation since WWII than anything else - most recently because of fighting it's proxy war with it's neighbors - which looks to the rest of the world like U.S.A. is trying to create empire.

2. I have no idea if there was benefit to the Trump clan. However, time has proven damage was done. Supporting building of Israeli only settlements in occupied Palestinian Territory is damage enough and antithetical to U.S. policy.

3. True. However Kushner was more than an unpaid advisor. And it remains clear that the Kushner tribe is Israel First with unconditional support of Israel in ways that are contrary to U.S. stated policy which of course is a huge conflict of interest problem, as bad or worse than folks who have been used to do the job of the Secretary of State in the past.

4. And my guess is that Biden would eventually intervene in any honest judicial proceedings that would result in a sentence of prison time for Trump. However, there is so much hate and fear being generated about Trump being called on the carpet to be accountable that we still have to wonder if the Justice system is on trial until it does what is should.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
2 mo
Maj John Bell You said it. Jewish organization collaborated with the draft - the Arabs did not, which resulted in the Arab territory not being contiguous because the plan of the political zionists organization was to always get the nations those non-contiguous territories borderd, to annex them.
The political zionists also did not agree to the draft they agreed less with further negotiating, which is what lead to declaring Israel a nation - as a way to try to put an end to the negotiations by settling on the draft as it was.
Totally agree that principle parties must find common ground. However, governments get in the way when their people have found common ground and want a peaceful resolution. (Gotta vamos and recharge the tablet.)
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
2 mo
SGT Mary G. - Muslims, Christians and Jews have been killing each other in the region for centuries. The Ottoman Empire kept the trouble relatively low. But Christians and Jews placed a much higher value on education and carried an outsized weight in governing the Ottoman Empire. In areas where the Ottomans didn't have strong military/police presence tensions often rose to civil unrest and killings. I don't agree with your statement

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 didn't help with tensions between Muslims, Christians and Jews living in the region. The Palestinian Muslims, Christians and Jews weren't living together all that peacefully after the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI. The lid came off. This is just Pre-WWII

Your words: "The entire population could have been living peaceably in one nation without need for a partition, as it had until the "partition" idea was suggested." Really?

*Initiated by Arabs Muslims
Bel Haim, 13 dead - March 1, 1920
Nebi Musa, 9 dead - April 4–7, 1920
Jaffa Riots, 95 dead - May 1–7, 1921
Jerusalem Stabbings, 6 dead - November 2, 1921
Palestine Riots of 1929, 249 dead - November 2, 1921
Kibbutz Yagur, 3 dead - April 11, 1931
Black Hand Stabbings 6 dead, 1931-1932
Haifa Riot, 4 dead - October 27–28, 1933
Jaffa Riots, 21 dead - April 19–20, 1936
Arab General Strike, 314 dead - April 20 – October 12, 1936
Safed, 4 dead - August 13, 1937
Har Haruach, 5 dead - November 9, 1937
Haifa Rd, 6 dead - March 28, 1938
Atlit, 3 dead August 16, 1938
Tiberias pogrom, 19 dead -October 2, 1938

*Initiated by Jews
Haifa, 33 dead - February 27, 1939
Jaffa Rd Gate Jerusalem, 5 dead - June 2, 1939
Haifa, 20 dead June 19, 1939

All of these are confirmed by historical records as being political actions, as opposed to killings for criminal purposes. There are dozens more that may or may not have been political violence.

The difference between bantusas and the Gaza strip: The Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip elected a government sworn to the extermination of the state of Israel. Have you read the Hamas Charter.

The U.S.A made no such promise as to not recognize Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel. Previous administration promises are not binding on the next administration unless that promise is codified in a treaty ratified by the Senate.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
2 mo
MSG Joseph Cristofaro and Maj John Bell, I was going to mention today, since I did not have the opportunity to say so yesterday as the tablet battery was dying, that I appreciate the thoughtful exchange of opinions. That is still true.
However, noting comments today, I do not want to waste your time, further. And it is certainly a waste of my time also to have Israel's limited narrative presented again and again with more details each time, with which I am already very familiar.
To continue the conversation I would need to again respond the same way with additional details from which I would be drawing a different conclusion than both of you, and it would continue to refutes most of the conclusions drawn in your comments.
In other words the conversation has devolved to the stage of everyone repetitively stating the same narrative, with additional details add, that still continues to leave out facts which provide a comprehensive look at both sides. It seems less about sharing thoughts and information that seem unknown, and more about refuting/convincing/being right. I do not want to continue to pursue a conversation in that way.
So I will leave it at this - it has been interesting. However at this point I would need to write a dissertation or a book to carry on the conversation.
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A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
Former Vice President Mike Pence already stood no chance of being Donald Trump’s 2024 vice presidential running-mate, but he sealed his fate on Friday during an interview with Fox News.

Pence told host Martha McCallum that he “will not be endorsing Donald Trump this year,” a decision he said “should come as no surprise.”
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
3 mo
Lt Col Charlie Brown - ...
I Copied That Statement From A News Article.
Whether Or Not Pence Thought He Could Become President,
He Doesn't Support Trump, Either Way. ~
And He Worked WITH Trump... That's Close Enough For Me.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
2 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - Sadly, Pence is a relic of a gone by era where Honor had some value in politics. He has not been able to adapt to Democrats commonly using Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals where they attempt to destroy their political opponents by any means necessary. Pence honestly believes the public will see his honor and integrity and rally around him, when in reality he will be destroyed and silenced by these radical tactics.

“That's Close Enough For Me.”? That’s curious to me. You above all people around here should be able to see the dynamics at play here. To survive in today’s political world “and keep one’s honor” one needs to be able to walk on a blades edge, staying true to the old values of our Country, while giving it back to the Left in the same way they destroy others… but only with the Truth, not the lies we hear for our current Democrats and RINOS. It’s not easy and I can’t say I care for it much, but it appears to be the only way our Country survives. MHO
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 mo
No Matter Which We Support, Neither Is A Good Choice.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
2 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - So you put Bien and Trump on equal footing as both being equally bad?
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SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
Well that's the nail in the coffin for Schumer... Joe Biden has been on the wrong side of every major issue for well over 50 years now.
Seriously, these people have no shame. To advocate for a change of the Prime Minister DURING a period of a war to the end... who do these people think they are? Schumer, Biden, and all like them will not be happy until the United States doesn't have one alley left in the world, and China and Russia are licking their chops at that. God help us that enough people see the insanity in our current Democrats and RINOS in our elections from here out.
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