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Responses: 10
MSG Stan Hutchison
This is the same old argument that has been ongoing for far too many years.
One extreme side says "Ban all firearms."
The other extreme side says "Arm everybody."

Is there not a logical compromise?
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
5 mo
Maj John Bell - John, after retirement I spent over 15 years working in retail firearms sales, the last 5 with my own FFL. When a person came in to purchase a gun for "self defense" my first questions was "Are you prepared to kill some one? Take another human's life?" The majority said no. taking a life is not an easy thing, especially for those that are not trained for it. Even in war, there are many that will not do so, simply firing in the general direction of the enemy. I believe the numbers are around 15% - 20% who actually fired at the enemy. Now, I know we have a lot of keyboard Rambos that will swear that is not them, but facts are facts. So, if trained military person, experienced in handling a weapon, does not actually fire at the bad guy, why think a teacher would?
I am a firm believer that MOST men and women that have a desire to teach, to work with children are by nature, protectors, nurturers. My concern is they may pull their weapon but when push comes to shove, they will hesitate, then bad guy will win, shooting that person and then having one more weapon to wreak havoc.

To me, not a viable solution.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
5 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison - I absolutely agree, if you know you aren't mentally prepared to take a human life, should it become legally necessary, be responsible and don't get a firearm. It is a weapon, not a piece of jewelry or a conversation piece. I strongly suspect that many of those who answered "yes" to your reasonable and responsible question as an FFL, weren't actually mentally prepared. That doesn't change my previous response. The majority of armed teachers who think they can, will never be tested. Will more die or be saved by a decision either way? Anyone with an answer is speculating.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
5 mo
Maj John Bell - The worst answer I got from most customers was "I just want the gun to scare the bad guy with."
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
5 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison - I'm sure there are stats on how many people are killed by an assailant who took their weapon from them. How do you collect stats on criminals who decided to look for an easier, less risky victim. Same as before, any answer to the latter is pure speculation.
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MSG Thomas Currie
Absolutely shocking!
Amazing to learn that a teacher was a human being and capable of irrational behavior!
But somehow anti-gun liberals are even more shocked to discover that the No Guns sign on the door failed to stop this teacher from bringing a gun to school, while anyone with an IQ above room temperature realizes that once a person has decided to commit assault with a deadly weapon or murder, they are unlikely to be deterred by some sign.
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CPL LaForest Gray
Why is society producing children that are ill-equipped to handle their emotions and they see it as a viable alternative to grab a weapon to kill people?

Hell, they see mass shootings by adult men that look like them, so they figure if the “father figure” can lash out at those they are angry at, then so can they.

Kids didn’t start selling dope, adults did.

Kids didn’t start mass shootings, adults did.

Kids weren’t making movies and video games about violence, adults did.

Adults are responsible for society and some adults are still passing that responsibility.

Who’s underpaid, under-educated, defunded the school system and social programs, Adults.

We collectively don’t care about our youth. Period

This didn’t happen overnight, Adults kept saying it’s not my problem and someone else will fix it.

*** Adults have the nerve to call this generation “lost/and hopeless” yet Acting as if they weren’t the example for them, as if they didn’t leave and create things the way they are. ***

Tired of hearing adults not take responsibility for the mess we’ve made collectively.

Example of why NOT to arm teachers:

1.) FEBRUARY 28, 2018 / 12:42 PM / UPDATED 8 HOURS AGO
Georgia teacher arrested after firing gunshot in school classroom
Suzannah Gonzales


(Reuters) - An armed high school teacher in Georgia barricaded himself alone inside his classroom on Wednesday and fired a gunshot when the principal tried to force open the door, but no one was seriously injured, police said after the instructor was arrested.

2.) Three Reasons Arming Teachers Is A Bad Idea

Securing the firearm.


The chaos of a classroom.

SOURCE : https://www.forbes.com/sites/petergreene/2022/05/31/three-reasons-arming-teachers-is-a-bad-idea/?sh=40cfff341419


1. Arming teachers harms students’ trust in educators.

2. Arming teachers won’t make our kids any safer.

Filling our schools with more weapons can only lead to one thing: guns falling into the wrong hands. Studies show people are much more likely to be shot, either by suicide, accident, or homicide, when guns are more readily available.

3. The impacts of arming teachers will most likely fall on already-marginalized students

Black students and students with disabilities are much more likely to receive all manner of discipline at school than their white and/or non-disabled classmates. Nationally, students of color and students with disabilities are up to two times more likely to be referred to police and arrested in schools.

4. We should invest in more teachers and mental health providers in our schools rather than wasting resources on solutions that do not work.

Instead of spending scarce resources on armed school personnel, we need to invest in preventing school violence. According to the U.S. Department of Education, 1.6 million children attend public schools that have police officers but no counselors, and three of the five largest school districts in the country hire more security officers than counselors. It is unacceptable to propose spending money on firearms and additional armed personnel in schools while refusing to invest in resources that will actually make kids safer.

SOURCE : https://www.acluwv.org/en/news/four-reasons-why-arming-schoolteachers-wont-make-schools-safer#:~:text=Arming%20teachers%20won't%20make,guns%20are%20more%20readily%20available.

*** this a repost from myself, because ya are tooooo comfortable with the status quo ***
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
5 mo
I already stated clearly where I stand on the matter. SGM Erik Marquez

I don’t HAVE to answer you a “specific way” or “the way you deem fit”.

Your entire interaction with myself has been condescending since you’ve chimed in. You’ve got this haughtiness that I NEED to answer your questions in the 1st place ( I engage because these are TEACHABLE MOMENTS, I use to post FACTS … you’ll catch on. )

2nd I post FACTS that can be verified as they were put out, the information is public and available to ALL OF US, yet like others that chime in with the day B.S. it’s always emotional disfuncțional communication with people like yourself.

I post FACTS, you don’t like the FACTS, the FACTS source the dialogue becomes about : Beliefs, Feelings and Opinions. I post additional FACTS that at any moment you others that disagree could use counter FACTS, but NOPE tries and true …. Temper Tantrums.

I chuckle, because the FACTS DGAF about : B/F/O at all.

Pay attention to the video you’ll catch on.

A lot of dry sarcasm from myself … lol

V1 : https://youtu.be/7pQ-YPjasGc?si=-flVhxsVJ63N7wGO

From 1972’ film “TRICK BABY” Dinner scene dialogue :

* Phillips: You never should have lifted them up Howard.

* Morrison: Paul you conservatives make a mistake, you can't afford to strangle hope in people. Without Hope people will become dangerous.

* Phillips: No Howard you liberals have let them invade our society, you give them jobs, political jobs.

* Morrison: Paul you miss the point, it's only the smart ones they move up.

* Phillips: Ha! That makes it even worse.

* Morrison: You know we have to move them up, if we leave a smart one in the ghetto, he might develop into a leader against us. If we raise him up into white society we neutralized. He feels compelled to try to act like us, he loses his identity, and uh, his racial anger if he has any. He becomes alien to his brothers, and they realize he sold them out and they grow to hate him. He becomes worthless to them and safe for us. In fact in his love for the creature comforts, except for his color, he become one of us.

SOURCE : https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0070833/quotes/

* Information is put out with haughtiness as an inside joke. I get inside jokes, sarcasm, deflection and open books.

* If the “VOTE” didn’t matter so much, not just in the USA … there wouldn’t be documentation of murders and laws made to prevent the people.

* https://youtu.be/Sgn6ml1OeCk?si=7II9PcqvCll1kpB0

V1 : https://youtu.be/_ZrPYryNhWs?si=Sbh3XVuSA6KD-yoi

Yeah that 2nd pic about … that’s not me. I post FACTS

SOURCE : https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/116th-congress/house-report/91/1

Self-Defense is a birthright not a Legislative or Religious Right.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
5 mo
CPL LaForest Gray - Its this simple,,, Say it loud and clear.
Are you for or against teachers and staff being armed while they are at work?
CPL LaForest Gray
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
5 mo
CPL LaForest Gray - Its this simple,,, Say it loud and clear.
Are you for or against teachers and staff being armed while they are at work?
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