Posted on May 17, 2024
SGT Kevin Hughes
Well, I wrote about my worst date, so I guess it is only fair to write about my best date. With one caveat: My best dates have always been with the two girls I was lucky enough to actually "love." My HS sweetheart, and My Kathy. Kathy is my rock. So the "best Date" is about just that...a Date!

Picture a Model. A very pretty Model. Have her leaning up against a Bus Stop. Now picture her in a very expensive black dress, wearing platform shoes. (This was 1972 after all, and Disco was Queen) She is tall. Very tall. Taller than the six foot six tall Bus stop. She is smoking a cigarette with one hand, her other hand is just dangling from her long smooth arm. She has the face of an Angel. An Angel that is somewhere deep down in thought. Leaving her body to stand there empty of any real life. She looks, in a word, Sad.

From across the street, I see her. Everyone notices her. I mean how many six foot six, Beauty Queen, Models- do you see next to a Bus Stop. But she looks so sad. You can tell her mind is somewhere else, thinking about something that makes her feel bad.

At the time, I was five foot five inches tall. Curly red hair, and weighed all of 126 pounds. Probably not her type. LOL I was also broke. Again, probably not her type. Size, or beauty have never intimidated me. She was just a girl that looked lonely and hurt. So I decided to make her laugh.
My two front teeth have a gap in them. If you squeezed a filtered cigarette tight enough, you could insert it in that gap. I don't smoke, but I did that as a joke, and folks seemed to like it.

I bought a pack of cigarettes from a guy standing outside the Terminal Tower for a 25 cents. it had six or seven cigs left in it. I stuffed between my teeth, put one in each nostril, and one in each ear, and one in each hand. Then I walked over to where she was standing and pulled gently on the dress.

She looked down, took in the sight of a little red head and her eyes grew wide with surprise ...and curiosity. She leaned her head back in that position that dogs take to show: "what the heck are you doing?" look. One of her eyebrows raised up too.

I said: "Excuse me Miss, do you have a light?"

She burst out laughing. When she found out I didn't even smoke, she asked me why all the cigarettes. I told her the truth. I just wanted to make her laugh. She looked so sad, and wistful.
It turns out, she was Modeling some Dresses and the lighting went down, so she went outside to smoke and get away from everyone. I asked her why she looked so sad. She smiled a wry smile.
"I was thinking I haven't had a date in two years."
That made her laugh again. Reaching down with one long graceful hand she toddled my hair, like you would a good child.
"It's true. Men are either intimidated by my Height, or my Beauty. So they don't ask me out. Or they assume I have some Rich Sugar Daddy, or a Model boyfriend. Most people don't see past the height, or the beauty to see I am just a girl."

"Well, you want to go out?"
She laughed again.
"I am only here for a week for the photo shoot, and I live in NYC."
"Well that is rather long date. I was thinking more like just tonight."
She laughed again.
We went out. We dated for a few months. Turns out we made good buddies but lousy Romantic partners. Just to kiss her, she had to sit on a couch, and I would kneel on it next to her, to bring our heads to the right angles. Which made us both laugh.
We got plenty of looks, a woman stunningly beautiful and almost seven feet tall with shoes on, and a red headed kid as tall as an average Sixth grade student. And that is where my "best date" story happens.
We became pretty good friends. So one day we decided she would dress up like. a Mom. And I would act like her rascal son that couldn't sit still. We got on the Bus. She sat primly, and I started acting up. I swung from the grip bars and did chin-ups, I rand down the aisle using the seats like pommel horses in a gymnastics studio. Hyper active and getting more and more stares from the other passengers. People were whispering loud enough for us to hear: "She should make her son sit down. She has no control. He needs to be discipilned!"
My Date kept giving me stern looks. Saying in a strong voice:
'Stop it son! If you don't behave, I will have to spank you."
Well, once we had everyone's attention, she reached out when I came near her, snatched me with one of her long arms, put me over her lap and began to wail on my butt. I screamed like a little kid.
"No Mommy. Stop! I'lll be good. I promise."
"Okay, give me a kiss, and behave."
So I stood up in front of her, she leaned in and I French Kissed her for a good thirty seconds. You could hear the gasps from all over the bus. We broke out laughing. People gave us really strange looks, and as they passed by to get off the bus, they would look at us with disgust. Some of them told us we should be ashamed of ourselves. Others...well, they said even uglier things.
We got off the Bus and bent over double laughing. That was my best Date.
There is a good post script to the story. One time she came in from New York and gave me a call. We went for coffee. She told me that it was starting to get her down that there were so few men her height to go dancing, or just for a walk or coffee with.
"Why don't you join the Skyscraper Club?"
She looked confused.
"What's that?"
I told her I used to play basketball, and lot of my friends or guys I played against were well over six feet tall. A lot of them belonged to the "Skyscraper Club" where to join you had to be Six foot Five, as a guy, and Six foot as a girl.
I was pretty sure if Cleveland had a Chapter then surely NYC would have one too.
She said she had never heard of it, but would check when she got back to the City. A few days later I got an excited call from her.
"Kevin! I went dancing last night at the Skyscraper Club! For the first time in my Life I had to look up at some of the men there. Almost all of them I could look straight in the eye. I got to put my head on a guys shoulder while we were slow dancing and I didn't even have to wear flats, or take my shoes off. I can't thank you enough. It was wonderful."
So I think it was my best date, and had a good outcome too!
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Responses: 2
SP5 Dennis Loberger
You are a good man, SGT Kevin Hughes
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SGT Unit Supply Specialist
SGT Kevin Hughes LMAO... you're something else.. OH... to have your sense of humor...
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