Posted on May 9, 2014
Sgt Ballard Hall
As a Wounded Warrior, I always hear the debate on this matter. Some people have told me that I deserve what is given to me in terms of how folks choose to say thank you for my service; meanwhile, other people have told me that I do not deserve no more thanks than any other service member. I can agree to both of those statements, depending on the situation, I guess.
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Responses: 13
SSG Small Group Leader
No, No and HELL NO!!!!!! As a former Squad Leader in the Ft Campbell WTB, I saw what the wounded Soldiers and their families went through on a daily basis.

SGT Hall, sometimes the treatment may go to extremes. But that's the exception, not the norm. And I know for a fact that anyone that has said our wounded warriors receive unfair, special treatment would be sucking up that unfair, special treatment if they were in that position.

So fuk what they say.
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AN Jeri Moore
I got injured in A school, all because I followed the orders of my leadership and kept going when My right side tightened up. Even though things didn't feel right, I was told to keep my ass running. I thought they knew exactly what they were doing and trusted them. It took 10 yrs of constant pain to find I have no cushioning on my hip, and herniated disk. I don't believe I'm a wounded warrior, but I'm not nothing either. I don't really know where I would fit into people's opinion's here. But as long as therapy and neurosurgery are a success, then I can talk myself into not caring about them.
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CW3 Matt Hutchason
Unfair special treatment? I don't believe so. Special treatment in general? I don't believe so. Proper treatment commensurate with your injuries? Absolutely. Everybody who swore the oath knew the risks, but that oath comes with the expectation that people who take it will be cared for, and not at their expense, for the duration of any effects of their service. God bless you, and I hope you get all the care you are entitled to.
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