Posted on Apr 3, 2015
COL Ted Mc
From "The Washington Times"

Obama, allies hail Iran nuclear deal as critics slam concessions

President Obama and other world leaders on Thursday hailed what they said was a breakthrough accord setting the stage for a historic agreement that will prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, even though Iran will be allowed to enrich uranium under the agreement and the schedule for easing international sanctions remains to be negotiated.

After 12 years of deadlock over Iran’s disputed nuclear activities — and a sleepless marathon of negotiations in Switzerland over the past week — Iranian and Western diplomats said the final terms of a 15-year phased deal will be hammered out and signed by all sides this summer.

An ebullient Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s top negotiator, hailed the agreement reached in Lausanne as a “win-win” for both sides.

In Washington, Mr. Obama said that “if this framework leads to a comprehensive deal, it will make our country, our allies and our world safer.”

Even as critics on Capitol Hill and Israel pointed out shortcomings and omissions in the deal, Mr. Obama told reporters in the White House Rose Garden that Iran agreed to dramatically limit the scope of its nuclear program and committed to “the most robust and intrusive inspections and transparency regime ever negotiated for any nuclear program in history.”

“It is a good deal, a deal that meets our core objectives,” the president said.
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Responses: 10
CW5 Desk Officer
Edited 9 y ago
I vote that it's potentially a good thing, sir, but I was reminded - on CNN of all places - that North Korea has made promises like these in the past and they are now likely a nuclear power, at least in their geographic region.

I also heard the White House Press Secretary (Josh Earnest) reassure Wolf Blitzer (and the American public) that Congress has an important role to play in the sanctions arena. Mr. Earnest said that there will be no free passes -- If Iran does not do what is promised, Congress will not lift the crippling sanctions, so Iran is motivated to do what has been promised.

In yet another sound bite, I heard Prime Minister Netanyahu claim that this deal "paves the way" for Iran to develop a nuclear weapon.

I think the truth is in the middle of all of the sound bites, and for me that means this deal is potentially a good thing.
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MSgt Electrical Power Production
How can we possibly trust Iran's leadership. And since we will more then likely never know the full details who the heck knows. Hopefully our Sunni allies Saudi Arabia, Egypt won't think we abandon them and have sided with Iran and the Shiites. Oh what a web we weave!
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
9 y
MSgt (Join to see) Master Sergeant; "We" can trust "them" in direct proportion to the amount that "they" can trust "us". So far all the Iranians have against the United States of America is the totally inconsequential facts that the American governments overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran in order to establish a brutal and corrupt absolute monarchy (in the name of freedom and democracy) and that the American governments promoted, funded, supplied, and supported the Iraqi war against Iran (in the name of peace and freedom).

As far as siding with Iran and the Shi'ite, you do realize that the United States of America tossed out the Sunni government of Iraq and installed a Shi'ite one, don't you?

As far as Saudi Arabia being an "ally" of the United States of America you might want to consider that Saudi Arabia does not allow "Freedom of Religion" and has Wahhabism (one of the most aggressively conservative reactionary forms of Islam available) as its dominant form of Islam (the state religion) and has a history of covertly funding violent extremist groups [on the proviso that they go someplace else to do their murdering and leave the Saudi royal family alone].

It appears to me that a good lace to start rebuilding would be to get rid of all the duplicitous people in the US government who suffer from a paranoid fear of attack and replace them with people who are prepared to deal with the other peoples/nations of the world in a fair, honest, and trusting manner (with, of course, the option to squash anyone who doesn't reciprocate). The difficulty in that would be finding replacements for approximately 65% of the entire US government.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
9 y
In my opinion being allied with Saudi Arabia is like sleeping with the devil. So I do not have much trust with them also. I'm sorry you appear to have so much anger toward America. I will agree with you that some of our problems in the Middle East are from our own making. But that hate by Islam toward Christians, Jews and other non Muslims will never change. Does Iran have the capability to engineer nukes? Don't think anyone has a definitive answer. Is it a bad deal, only time will tell. I also do not believe in your assessment of people who suffer a paranoid fear of attack. Past events speak for themselves and more will come. Sticking our head in the sand is not the answer.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
9 y
MSgt (Join to see) Master Sergeant; You appear to be confusing "hate" with "facing reality".

The "American Ideal" is outstanding. The American people are (on balance) one of the best peoples in the world - as individuals. As a physical country America is probably the most diversely beautiful and resource laden country in the world. That's on the plus side.

However, the American political system now functions in almost the exact reverse of the way that the Founding Fathers envisioned it functioning and the American people - as a polity - are also functioning in almost the exact reverse of the way that the Founding Fathers envisioned the American polity functioning.

To recognize reality is NOT to "hate" it is merely to recognize reality. People have the capacity to love even the things which 99.99% of the world would hate if they knew it well - just ask any mother whose child has been convicted of cold-blooded murder. You don't have to like something to love it - just ask almost any cat owner.
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CPT Jack Durish
Iranians dancing in the streets, celebrating victory tell the story. They have made no concessions. They are the beneficiaries of President Obama's failed Administration and his attempt to cobble together some sort of legacy.

Now, before someone attempts to rebut my central premise - "...President Obama's failed Administration..." - name one achievement and back it up with verifiable data.

Sadly, I expect Congress to cave on this one as they have on all other failures.

Terrorists with nuclear weapons.

God help us and the US...
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
9 y
CPT Jack Durish Captain; If the Iranians never intended to build nuclear weapons in the first place, would it be correct to say that they "made no concessions"?

Of course it would.

If I have a paper bag that you think contains $1,000,000 but which I know is empty - how dumb do I have to be to sell you the bag (and all its contents) for $500,000?

As long as the Iranians keep on not doing the things which they say they were not doing (and didn't want to do in any event), America is going to find it almost impossible to re-impose the sanctions.

Of course the Iranians are happy with the deal - America just upped its bid for the paper bag to $750,000 and the Iranian government took it.

PS - It wasn't Mr. Obama's administration that started the rumor that the Iranians were trying to build nuclear weapons. Can you guess whose administration it was?
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