Posted on Apr 21, 2024
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Biden's bragging rights
Posted in these groups: 0d8ac8a3 Political Opinions
Edited 1 mo ago
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Responses: 9
Cpl Vic Burk
Lt Col Charlie Brown Inflation is nowhere near over. I see it every time I go to the grocery store. It's either higher prices or less for the same amount and in many cases, both.
MSgt Dale Johnson
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
1 mo
SUGGESTION To Everyone:.. Into Your Search Engines, Place These Words:
"Government Benefits For Senior Citizens": Specify 1 As in Your State, And 1 Federal Govt.
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
1 mo
Inflation is here for a while,But now if it's possible to say, Stealing is a part of inflation,Here ,Alot of Family Dollar stores and /or Dollar Tree stores are closing for that matter,And New citizenship is in no way slowing,
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
1 mo
SrA Ronald Moore -
Be Cautious Ron, Or You Too Could Be Placed On
Our Governments "Watch List", As A Threat To Society,
If Ya Really Been Living Right ~ Ya Lucky Dog! It's FUN, Huh?
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CPT Jack Durish
If your spouses don't understand, you have to take them shopping more often.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
1 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - Just find one with a great sense of humor. That's the secret. They laugh at the self-importance of the officer class.
LTC Joe Anderson
LTC Joe Anderson
1 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney ;) Just got LUCKY!!!!! After 28 years of marriage, 34 years of service, 20 active, 14 Reserves for some reason she still wants to be with me. I LOVE HER FOR THAT AND HER SACRIFICE. Lord knows I was/am not a perferct husband; I was gone a lot, not always emotionally available, a bit self centered, put my career first more than I should should have. I guess I'm also really lucky that she's a Christian woman who decided that divorce was never an option. And even though I was never a good Christian husband, she stuck by me through everything, and in the long run; I too came to believe divorce is never option. So, I choose her daily, and choose to love her. I think that's why she continues to choose me as well. I know you don't believe in God and don't have Christian beliefs. However, it is one thing that has kept my marriage together. There are times I wanted to quit. But, she refused to quit or allow me to, and then when she's got tired of being the strong one and was about to give up on me. I realized I was messing up, and that I needed to choose her not wait for her to be a certain way or be what I thought I wanted... Once I did that our marriage turned for the better and I have no regrets that we decided to stick things out through the rough patches. But, the key is definitely both people having the mentality of divorce is NOT an option. Hopefully a good, loyal, strong partner will find you. We don't have to have women in our lives. But a good loyal partner and friend, sure makes a difference. You have a great evening and rest of your week!!!!

A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
1 mo
LTC Joe Anderson - ...
It's NOT That I Don't Believe In God, It's I Just Believe There's Even A Higher Authority Than He. ~ Like A More Powerful & Loving Being Than The God We're Told About. ~ Or Possibly None At All. ~ My Personal Feelings, And I'm Serious ~ For Being A God, He Sure Does One Hell Of a Lousy Job; ~ Instead Of Saving People From Disasters, Famine, Thirst, Starvation, Earth Quakes, Cancer, Illnesses, Fires , And Death ,Etc.,..
Why Did He Simply NOT Keep Them from Happening? ~ That's No More Than Just An "Out N' Out" 'Piss Poor Management" AND, When No Excuses Can Be Logically Found, It's THIS Line Of B.S; "God Works In Mysterious Ways".... However, If Everything Is Taken Into Consideration; The EXACT Same RESULTS Can Be Achieved If One Worships Rocks....
My 1st Ex-Wife Had Taught Bible Study In The Church She'd Attended...But Was Banging Anything Whom Owned A Zipper.. Another Great Christian Lady ~What A Gal, She Spread More Than Just Happiness Throughout The Tri-State Area ~ LMAO "She Gave Of Herself"..(:>). I Liked Being Married, Going Home To A Wife After Leaving The Office At 5:00 Pm... And Seeing MY KIDS, ~ I Think........The More I'm Typing Away, The More I'm Convinced, I Could Do A Great Comedy Routine By Only Talking About My 2 Marriages .. Some Pretty Funny Sh*t Went On, And I Could Make A Pile Of Money By Having All this Fun & Laughing About These Series Of Events ~~ NOW; But Back Then? ~ Uh. Not So Much.. LOL....BBL... I Have More To Add, But My Screen Is Running Out Of Ink.(:>)..
LTC Joe Anderson
LTC Joe Anderson
1 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I was at my son's final Lacrosse game of the season last night and didn't have a chance to get back on here. 

"If there were no God, it would be necessary for us to create one." Even if one believes in the Big Bang Theory, something still had to create the things that came together to make the "Big Bang" and then organize them in a manner to create; the Universe, the Solar Systems, Stars, Planets, our planet, and life (The Big Bang isn't even a very good theory. Good TV show though). There's just too much detail and intricacy to assume all this just happened. Just because we can't understand the concept of God doesn't mean God doesn't exist. 

You made a funny/comical statement, when you inferred there was a being higher than the God who created the Universe.

It's not God's job to manage the world or make things happen. He's not a Dictator or the Supreme ruler. We all have free will. It's what makes us individuals and the people we are. For there to be free will, it is up to us to manage our lives, relationships, and the world; to make it a better place. If anything, we've done a piss poor job of managing the planet, the world, and our relationships with each other. If it wasn't for that piss poor job we've done with human relationships, I would not have had a 34-year career in the military. If humans had done a better job of managing our affairs and relationships, there would have been no need for my services. But, because we humans are all so flawed the military has job security. We are not flawed by creation, we are flawed by our choices. Children are born perfect for the most part. Over time we turn them into the mess they are.

People try to put too much blame on God. Every time something good happens they want to thank him and say he did it. Every time something bad happens people want to blame him or ask why. It's not that he's not responsible for the good in the world. It's that God is not a micromanager. He's given us control of our lives and is hands-off, so that we have autonomy and free will, in all we do. 

If he did everything we tried to give him credit for or blame him for, there would be no such thing as free will. As in human relationships, we want to be in them by choice, not because someone was forced, or ordered to be in the relationship. God is no different. He doesn't force us to do anything or force himself on us. It's people who force him and their perception of his will on each other. For one to have a relationship with God, see his work, hear him, and feel him they must choose him. Just like we have to choose to love our partner. We must choose Gods. 

If we don't choose our partners daily, we won't hear them because we don't truly listen to them. And then we're surprised with the outcome. For years I didn't actively listen to my wife. I'm glad I finally came around before it was too late. Now, I choose her daily, listen to her, and hear her. Our relationship is better for it. She's my partner, best friend, and my rock. Truly good human relationships mirror and serve as an example of the relationship one can have with God. 

If one wants to hear God and have a relationship with him, one must choose him. They must believe in him, stop, and actually, listen to hear him. Only then can one see, hear, and feel his presence. He's not going to always intervene and act. But, he'll always provide comfort. It's not God's place to act. It's our place to exercise free will and good judgment. Which most of us don't. Many people also mistake God for religion. God is NOT a religion. Religion is man-made, deeply flawed, and simply our interpretation of how to worship or believe in God. Most of the time our interpretations are wrong. 

Sorry to hear about your experience with your ex-wife and women in general. Many people who claim to be Christians aren't. Anyone claiming to be a Christian or even leading Bible study, yet regularly breaking their marriage vows, is not a Christian. But, a hypocrite and liar (This doesn't include one-time mistakes or occasional lapses and judgment). Just because they pretend to be a Christian, doesn't make it so, and it isn't God's fault they do the wrong they do. It's that/each person's individual choice to lie and misrepresent themselves and misrepresent God. When people claiming to be Christians misrepresent themselves and God, many non-believers will use the opportunity to turn and say, "See God doesn't exist look at what that person is doing... Then they point out the wrong they see in the world and use that as an excuse for not believing in God. Which is their choice, but, as long as one chooses not to believe, or believe that there's something higher than the God Who created the universe. Then they'll never see or hear God's voice, works, or his blessings in their lives or the world in general. 

No, I am not a good Christian, I am far from it. But, I'll keep trying to improve. However or unfortunately, I'm sure you'll see me on here talking down to somebody and telling someone how I feel they are a moron... that will give you or anybody else cause to doubt any of my beliefs. Or question if I'm living the type of life a person who believes what I do should. Does my example and poor choices, or those of other believers justify the disbelief in the existence of God? It does not people are flawed. It just illuminates the fact that a relationship and belief in God is personal. One should only look to God for guidance. We should never rely on humans for examples of how to live, or proof of God's existence. People's shortcomings only reinforce that a belief in God requires two things, choice and faith.

You choose not to believe as such you will not see or hear what I do. Then there's a matter of perspective. You'll probably say the Miracles I've seen are just luck, or the fact that I've cheated death twice, (One of those times I was in a coma, in critical condition, and given 12 hours to live. Yet here I am.), and just got an equivalent to remission diagnosis on my cancer; Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia (CLL) is luck. I was diagnosed in 2017 and told CLL was incurable. But, the good news was that, it was a slow-moving cancer, and that I probably had 10 to 15 years left. Because, believing in God requires choice and faith, to the non-believer my near brushes with death and recovery are just luck. Those who choose not to believe can't see it as anything else. I choose to have faith, so I thank God for my restored marriage, life, and health. 

That's just my story and beliefs. I'm not trying to convert you or convince you. These are choices and things you must do for yourself. Given your age and experience, you've heard and know all the arguments for believing and have chosen not to. Nothing I say or do will change your mind, or make you see things differently unless you want to. So no sense in trying to convert you. 

If you ever change your mind and choose to believe, you'll see things differently. Unfortunately, It's not possible to see and not believe.
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PO2 Builder
The only thing Biden is good at is causing inflation.
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
1 mo
Well, PO2 (Join to see), I believe that he's also doing a spectacular job of ruining our country!
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
1 mo
PO2 Jeffrey Goggin: .....and destroying the whole Country of everything he touches. How anyone can support that guy is beyond comprehension or they are just as senile.
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
1 mo
LTC Stephen C. into the ground!!!!!
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