Posted on Dec 23, 2013
CSM Command Sergeant Major
After reading through a few discussion topics here on Rally Point, I just want to ensure that all Soldiers understand to maintain professionalism and respect when addressing any senior ranking personnel on this website. This is a great site to discuss many topics, just be sure to not disrespect anyone regardless of what they may post. Simple rule, if you wouldn't say it to the persons face while in uniform don't type it on here.  Remember, disrespect on social media is punishable under UCMJ
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Responses: 17
CSM Brigade Command Sergeant Major
Concur on all fronts. I also challenge the Senior leaders, especially NCOs to not come off condescending. I tapered off my usage because I got frustrated with some of my peers and the generic "You do it because its your job" replies. We all get that. If someone poses a question, leave out the sarcasm and give them an answer. This is a great platform to dish out knowledge to those who seek it.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Rallypoint is starting to become very "drama" intensive.&nbsp;</div>
SGT Michael Glenn
SGT Michael Glenn
>1 y
CSM Brock, I wish all thought like you do, there are a few on here that think that if you disagree with them you are a disgrace to the uniform and military, I think they have always hidden behind rank and still think that a forum with both civilian and Military should be their little playground to further pull rank, being civilian I do not have to adhere to their stupidity, I am not saying I will disrespect all active duty but merely I will address people with the same type of respect they show other members to this forum regardless of their rank.
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
<p>Better yet,&nbsp; never say anything regardless of rank that you wouldn't say to another person's face.&nbsp;&nbsp; Always ask yourself would your behavior be a good role model for your own children.&nbsp;&nbsp; I have respect for senior NCOs, and officers and even&nbsp; for those with a higher rank.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; For those active duty members the bar is even higher,&nbsp; as it should be.</p>
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CPT Aaron Kletzing
Yes, 100% concur. &nbsp;Thank you for posting this, 1SG. &nbsp;Here at RallyPoint, we're already working on ways to help ensure this is maintained.
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