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Responses: 3
MAJ James Woods
Actually disappointed the media wasn't as critical of him during the Primaries and the election so it's overdue now. Was no surprise that Fox News viewers would overwhelmingly claim other outlets are abusing and being too critical but same viewers would say Fox News was never too critical of either Obama or Clinton. To see 40-50% of viewers from other networks say "yes too critical" seems more realistic considering in my opinion the trustworthiness of any cable news or corporate run media outlet should have their agenda scrutinized and fact checked after the last 10-15 years of manipulating public opinion with entertaining commentary instead of fact checking investigative journalism reporting. Think the media need to report facts and stay away from commentary and dump the random panels of phony experts.
PFC Jonathan Albano
PFC Jonathan Albano
>1 y
I actually felt that they were plenty critical during the cycle, to the point that it showed favoritism. Some analysts for the news agencies say otherwise, however, they work for the people they are analyzing so the potential for biased results, to me, seems clear. Both got bad press, however, Trump's bad press seemed to be front page every day whereas Hillary was about once a week.

With that said, much of the criticism was fair but a good portion of it was the media taking statements out of context. For example, Trump calling immigrants rapists ect. was a part of a speech at a rally that included the statement "Most, I'm sure, are really good people." and yet the media had a hay day hanging Trump by statements that, to his own concession in that very speech, didn't apply to the majority of the demo-graph in question.

On a side note, President Trump isn't the only one the media has done this to. Recently, Pewdiepie, a Youtube personality, has been accused by the Washington Post of being anti-Semitic due to some admittedly less-than-funny jokes he made. Rather than showing context and writing commentary on when jokes go too far, the media talked about his "pro Nazi imagery" Plain and simple, criticism is one thing, however, skewing facts is not criticism- it's slander.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
3 y
You clearly don’t understand what a stolen election is, but at least you understand the role the lying lamestream media played in facilitating Biden’s faux victory. There were too many uninvestigated anomalies to call the election for Biden. The Supreme Court, Congress, AND THE MILITARY Top Brass dropped the ball and did not honor their oaths to protect and defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic! America lost. Now Obama, who was NEVER constitutionally qualified for office, is on his 3rd term in the White House pulling Biden’s strings from behind the walls of his DC mansion, just minutes away from the Capitol.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
3 y
Capt Jeff S. now that its been seven months of investigations, audits, and court rulings are you still going to say there are too many anomalies to call the election? Then again you still believe Obama wasn’t a legitimate president so don’t know why i even bother responding to you.
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SFC Dave Beran
Which ones. Even the approved ones are super critical.
PFC Jonathan Albano
PFC Jonathan Albano
>1 y
SGT William Howell - Nothing wrong with verifying info.

I've skimmed the site and definitely like the sound of it. I'll have to remember this for next election cycle. Thanks
SFC Dave Beran
SFC Dave Beran
>1 y
PFC Jonathan Albano - by approved ones I was referring to the select ones who are allowed into daily press conferences. I like you do not trust any of them. They think they can rewrite/edit and do whatever they want. They have all been caught. The old saying if one of our greatest Presidents "Trust but verify"is more true today than ever.
SFC Dave Beran
SFC Dave Beran
>1 y
SGT William Howell - wow who knew. Will have to check this out. I have always been a centrist. I believe states should have more authority to decide for its citizens. If you don't like a rule move to where you fo. Not really but it's a thought.
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
>1 y
SFC Dave Beran - Check us out. The party fits right into my belief system.
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SSG Michael Tellekamp
The news is supposed to be the reporting of events using facts. Reporters just report the news without being a part of the news or having an opinion. Editorials are the writers stating an opinion on a subject; be it an event, policy or just someone's statements. We have stopped having news reported some time ago. More recently every reporter and journalists seems to think it is their job to tell us what we are supposed to think and they get angry when we disagree. There is almost no news coverage of President Trump; it is almost all negative editorials intended to put him, his family, his policies and his supporters in as negative light as possible. Thanks for reading my opinion.
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