A Company, 2nd Battalion

A/2/19th SFG(A)

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LTC Yinon Weiss

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Unit history

Unit Commanders:

2016 - Now: MAJ Michael Kerns
2012 - 2015: LTC Yinon Weiss
2009 - 2012: LTC Mark Britton
2006 - 2009: COL Tom Sarrouf
2004 - 2006: BG Tom Bouchard
2000 - 2003: COL Will Conway
1998 - 2000: LTC Rick Deasy
199? - 1998: BG Richard Keene
199? - 199?: Murphy
199? - 1993: COL Larry Pezza
1987 - 1989: LTC Tom Rowan

Unit Sergeants Major:

2017 - Now: SGM Jack Nelson
2014 - 2017: SGM Greg Angel
2012 - 2014: CSM Michael Wong
2006 - 2012: SGM William Schwarz
2003 - 2006: CSM Michael Lewis
199? - 2003: SGM Lenny McMullen
199? - 199?: SGM Joe Silva
199? - 199?: SGM Dennis Gardnier
199? - 199?: SGM Doug San Antonio

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Unit Contact Information

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Famous members

Most recent contributors: LTC Yinon Weiss

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