Posted on Jun 10, 2023
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
So, this is from the Daily Beast, and it infers that military veterans must be monitored. It brings up "the present and historical ties between American hate groups and armed servicemen and women....".

My own belief is that, because Veterans, Evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, and mothers disagreeing with school boards tend to not vote the way that the staff of the Daily Beast would like, then they should be rounded up like the Gypsies and Jews in Germany in 1939 (too much of a threat to the New Order).

It seems that this article would classify George Washington as a "Radicalized Military Vet".

So, how do you see it?

Here is the full article:
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Responses: 168
SFC John D.
Edited 12 mo ago
I'll believe a respectable organization like RAND before I believe the portrayal by the far-left Daily Beast, even if there is a slight possibility that there might be some truth to it.

I willingly grant the premise the documentary writer makes that far-right extremists will try to recruit from the military, but I completely reject the notion that the military is full of far-right extremists or that they have a 'significant foothold' in it.

A recent RAND study ( showed that there was no evidence to support the notion that the veteran community, as a whole, manifests higher rates of support for violent extremist groups or extremist beliefs than the American public.

In fact, since White supremacists were mentioned, you were five and a half times more likely to find far-left extremist support (Anfita) than you were for White supremacists (5.5% vs 1%), both which is far less than the rest of the population (7% of nonveterans support White supremacy and 10% of nonveterans support Antifa).

As the study says, "Vets on average seem to be very resilient to those efforts. And so I think that some of the characteristics that draw you to serve your country will help protect against forces that would undermine your country"

So yes, while I expect the left to lap up some documentary stating the bias beliefs (at least for Goldsmith) of those he interviewed, I'll stick with something more reputable.

But, But, But ... UMC did a study and found that almost 1 in 7 of the people from Jan 6th were veterans! Ok, Chicago police arrest stats show that 70% of the BLM rioters that were arrested for looting, arson, and violence between 29 and 31 May were black. Raise the alarm! Of course that is as non-sensical as someone picking the veteran stat out of the mix and saying it proves that veterans are predisposed towards extremism.
SPC Rachel Rodriguez
SPC Rachel Rodriguez
3 d
"ANTIFA" means ANTI-FASCIST. It's only the exact opposite of the KKK or any white supremacist group. It seems like alot of people don't know what it really means and don't understand that it isn't based on politics (even though politics may have alot to do with the way our country has been run in regards to race). It is only considered a "far left" group because of the more recent "alt-right" groups who have sprung up after Trump ran for president. Antifa existed long before this whole political racist evangelical issue started happening and was never even spoken of prior to Trumps run for EVER. The same way the KKK and similar white fascist groups have basically been ignored throughout the last few decades, so has any group opposed to them (at least out in the open).To be clear, nothing I'm saying here should be misconstrued as me saying that I am siding with anything Antifa has done illegally however, being that I am considered a racial "minority", I of course am not okay with any group claiming they are superior to any other due to race, nationality, color, or gender. The fact is, being against fascism isn't (in and of itself) nearly as dangerous as being a part of a white nationalist/ supremacist group. These fascist groups have proven themselves to be quite dangerous yet because we are a free country, their hateful rhetoric isn't considered serious enough to be acted upon.

Now, it should be clearly understood that one would not exist without the other so it should go without saying that the group calling itself ANTIFA is only considered extremism by those who either don't understand it or are in total opposition to it. I say all this to make the point that ANTIFA has only been made a spectacle by certain hateful people in order to distract from the real issue. One real major issue in this country is and has always been, racism. If antifa is to be considered an extremist group then it only makes the assumption that anyone who against fascism of any kind must be an extremist. This doesn't make sense to me therefore whenever anyone talks about antifa as if it is in fact an extremist group, it is difficult to bypass without mentioning the fact that people pay way too much attention to the word without even knowing the meaning behind it.
LTC Jorge Cordero
LTC Jorge Cordero
3 d
SPC Rachel Rodriguez - Yes, my dad and many of ours dads and grandfathers were ANTIFA and fought against Hitler and Mussolini, and many never returned and now the far right wants to make it sound like it's a horrible thing. Perhaps that is because they themselves have become fascist and want a dictator in charge of this country. Civil liberties are lost one small bit at a time.
SSgt Jeanne Wallace
SSgt Jeanne Wallace
1 d
LTC Jorge Cordero - my dad was a Korea vet my uncles were WW2 and my grand father was WW1....people who were "anti fascist" in their generations did NOT take over govt buildings, break into stores to steal shopping carts full of product, did NOT try to burn police stations, with the cops inside, and court houses, and did NOT barricade themselves on public streets and declare themselves a sovereign country ...... back then when people protested things they weren't ashamed to show their faces either.
LTC Jorge Cordero
LTC Jorge Cordero
13 h
SSgt Jeanne Wallace - Exactly, on Jan 6th the new breed of fascist tried to take over the capitol building.
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SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
That's the sort of thing you see when one reads trash. Pay no attention to it. MHO
SPC (Other / Not listed)
SPC (Join to see)
7 mo
SPC Kent Laughlin - Hi Kent. Who we are and what we say, our opinions, are always going to "hurt" someone even when we are very diplomatic in the way we present ourselves and in the diplomatic way we word our opinions. This is just the way the world is and how humans interact with one another. Please express yourself, remembering that one person's critical or negative opinion of us can be ignored but we need to take note when several persons' critical or negative opinions of us are being expressed. If we don't express our opinions, at the end of life we will tend to say that we wished we'd been more assertive and more open and vulnerable with our opinions.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
7 mo
SSG Bill McCoy it sure is.
PO1 Robert Ryan
PO1 Robert Ryan
7 mo
Drill Sergeant SSG Phillip MAI Fort Jackson South Carolina March 1967 " Opinions are like butt holes everyone has one and they all stink". So I keep my opinions to myself.
SFC Preston Schleinkofer
SFC Preston Schleinkofer
29 d
SPC Kent Laughlin - Do Not Sensor Yourself to save someone else's feelings. State your case or don't comment, but don't justify your non-comments. In our world you either speak up for yourself and your views or you end up having someone else's views forced on you, like this b.s. at colleges right now. Speak your mind, that's what being grown up is all about.
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SGT Jim Arnold
MSG Lonnie Averkamp short answer is no. there are screw ups on both sides of the political spectrum and a few in between but to call a whole group radical is ridiculous
SPC Mark Marquette
SPC Mark Marquette
7 mo
SPC Henry Strong - It's a very old song: "The youth of today..." Even ancient Rome people complained about it. (Plenty of refs for that). And, the "rats" have ALWAYS been "in office", The "job" attracts them! "Power corrupts" is being shown, now to be mostly wrong: Power ATTRACTS those already corrupt & power hungry.
Yes, clean up our own messes; but it is bound to fail with the immense divide, hate, blame, lack of taking responsibility for your own side here, too.
SPC Henry Strong
SPC Henry Strong
7 mo
I agree but we need to start some where. I have seen how other countries look at us from there side and how I as an American see us now. This just blows my mind away.
I will not travel out side the US anymore because I am ashamed of what our government is doing to all of us and even to our friends and allies around the world.
I am tired of all the lies they say and all the false reporting going on.
We really need to start getting our lives in order because life is short and we do not have much time left.
SPC Henry Strong
SPC Henry Strong
7 mo
Spc Mark Marquette: I am not saying that it was the last few presidents that are at fault nor am I pointing any fingers at anyone in our government. All I am saying is that we currently need to have term limits in place to rid the government of the old blood and put new fresh blood in to get us a fresh start. I am a strong Republican who only votes republican and I am proud to say this my family has been voting republican for several years. I don't like seeing that all of our hard work of our fellow service brothers and sisters who gave the ultimate price for our safety and security of this great nation go un appreciated and disrespected by some old cronies in the government. This is what I making refferance to.
SSgt Mary Dungan
SSgt Mary Dungan
2 mo
If anyone is radical. it is the right. they have systematically started dismantling this country ever since the Tea Party, but much more with MAGA cult members. Not saying everyone on the left is perfect, but there not trying to destroy democracy or tying to pit left against right. i remember back to when we could actually agree to disagree. That day is long past thanks to MAGA and Trump.
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