PO2 Ryan Wubker

PO2 Ryan Wubker

Dates of Service: Apr 2009 - ?
64% Complete
0 Endorsements
9 Contacts
Influence Score: 643
55,692 out of 863,498 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR Apr 09
  • SA Jun 09
  • SN Dec 09
  • PO3 Dec 11
  • PO2 Dec 12

Recent Activity  -


Administration: Complete security reports, documents, and logs. Conduct guard mount/roll call. Perform required security inventories. Operate computer software programs. Safety: Demonstrate knowledge of first aid and basic life support. Perform required maintenance for security gear and equipment. Apply operational risk management techniques. Demonstrate knowledge of chemical, biological and radiological personal protective equipment and countermeasures procedures. Demonstrate knowledge of chemical, biological and radiological agent characteristics and decontamination procedures. Apply basic hazardous material principles and response techniques. Communications: Conduct radio communications. Conduct security post turnover. Coordinate inter-agency responses. Operate communications equipment. Legal Considerations: Advise suspects of acknowledgement and waiver of rights. Apply rules of engagement and deadly force. Apply use of force continuum. Demonstrate knowledge of applicable jurisdiction and legal limitations. Provide testimony for official proceedings. Weapons: Operate small arms, crew served and non-lethal weapons. Demonstrate knowledge of grenades and pyrotechnics. Perform small arms and crew served weapons maintenance. Demonstrate tactical weapons handling techniques. Perform weapons loading and unloading procedures. Conduct small arms, crew served and non-lethal weapons training. Law Enforcement Operations: Administer field sobriety and breathalyzer tests. Apply restraint devices. Apprehend suspects. Conduct preliminary investigations. Conduct searches. Conduct suspect pursuits. Conduct traffic control. Conduct vehicle stops. Conduct victim, witness and suspect interviews. Operate emergency vehicles. Operate vehicle speed measuring equipment. Perform physical control and unarmed self-defense techniques. Preserve crime scenes. Process evidence and contraband. Perform crowd control techniques. Security Operations: Conduct security patrols. Conduct vessel inspections. Conduct vehicle inspections. Conduct personnel inspections. Conduct baggage inspections. Conduct surveillance detection. Detain personnel. Establish entry control points. Establish security perimeters. Operate and monitor Electronic Security Systems (ESS). Operate screening and detection equipment. Operate security lighting equipment. Respond to security alarms and security threats. Verify identification credentials and documents. Security Training: Conduct security training. Conduct security drills. Explain and demonstrate situational awareness. Recognize Improvised Explosive Devices (IED). Tactical Operations: Conduct tactical entries and movements. Conduct tactical convoy. Demonstrate knowledge of tactical convoy. Conduct high value asset protection. Public Relations: Demonstrate verbal/non-verbal interpersonal skills and communication techniques.

Military Experiences

May 2011 - May 2012
Started in Jun 2012

Military Credentials

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance

Personal Information

And weight trainingFire department