Cpl Francis Honecker

Cpl Francis Honecker

Dates of Service: no date specified
15% Complete
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Influence Score: 20
422,896 out of 863,665 Veterans
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Military Experiences

Aug 1961 - Dec 1964
I Co
Platoon squad leader
Bar man ,fire team leader, squad leader, Advanced infantry training, jungle Warfare school instructor Okinawa jungle warfare gurilla warfare,from Pendleton San Diagonal, to Panama cannal,to Cuban crisis,return to Pendleton, to Hawaii, SubicBay Bay, Okinawa ,Camp Swab, Most traveled battalion in Marine Corp 72000 miles by sea. Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Phillipeans, Blue water Vietnam, return to US, new duty station Parris Island Sc, rifle instructor rifle range, m1, f16, 45, Maintenance Services platoon squad bays. Discharged went to college for Associates Degree worked in computer IT for 1966 to 2010, disabled. 10 persent Va, awaiting claims, SMT, Prostrait cancer, camp Lejunne water issues. American leg service officer assisting with claims.