SPC Deb Kailunas

SPC Deb Kailunas

Dates of Service: no date specified
61% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 399
94,239 out of 863,498 Veterans
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Military Experiences

Nov 1975 - Apr 1979
267th Signal
Administrative Assistant
1st duty Ft Lewis, worked secondary MOS 71L in the Orderly room for 173rd Signal 2nd duty Pirmasens, GE, worked in Btn Hqtrs for 267th Signal. Never worked primary MOS 72E. I enjoyed my time in the Army immensely and wanted to reenlist, but my primary MOS was obsolete when I was ETS ing and there were no slots available in my secondary. I was told the only thing I could reenlist in was food service. I hate cooking to this day and did not want to work in the mess hall. I was also asked to be in the first class of women at Westpoint when I was in basic training, but declined. I was not from a military family and my family wasn’t supportive about me joining. I have never regretted being a soldier.