SPC Alexander Lee-Schy

SPC Alexander Lee-Schy

Dates of Service: Aug 2003 - Mar 2012
85% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 870
42,731 out of 863,498 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Aug 03
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC

Recent Activity  -


Passive aggressive contrarian absurdist for the most part. Tend to say no to most things and will occasionally argue for the sake of argument. Consider it "projection". When given direction/motivation, will dig into objective until adequate information is extracted from it. Can be difficult to work with.

Military Experiences

Nov 2009 - Mar 2012
D Co
Managed/repaired equipment for pilots/aircrew. Additionally procured newer equipment through PM Airwarrior and repaired special experimental equipment as part of mission shift. Peak personnel supported was 142 during Afghan deployment.
Jan 2004 - Jul 2007
B Co
Served as driver for an M548 w/M139 Volcano. Revived the minefield deployment system and assisted in locating faults in battalion M548s making them mission ready. Accumulated information and parts for installation of two M57 MCLICs onto the M60 AVLB. Served as M113 or M1114 driver or gunner during two Iraq deployments. Occasionally would be a foot soldier when not supporting repair operations.


(1 year, 8 months)
Nov 2005 - Nov 2006
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Was moved to the A&O platoon where I would serve as an M113 driver trainer along with another fellow from 1st platoon. While in FOB Falcon, spent most of the time driving during presence and IED defeat patrols. Changed many a tire.
Jan 2004 - Jul 2004
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Joined the tail end of my unit's deployment only to get extended 3 months. Was on the ground as a guard behind the palace on the river and later moved to FOB St. Michaels where we would watch over a number of bridges on a nearby popular road.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired

Personal Information

cncmanufactureThe milky way galaxy Space