SGT John Brown

SGT John Brown

Dates of Service: no date specified
28% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 156
184,377 out of 863,671 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Aug 2005 - Oct 2008
Generated new leads by using USAREC marketing tools and tactics throughly canvassing my assigned areas of responsibility i.e City of Tallahassee, FL, FSU, FAMU and TCC including assigned High School's. Conducted USAREC, P.P. presentations, assisted with administering local HS ASVAP'S, conducting interviews with future applicants, creating enlistment packets of qualified applicants once applicate has met all USAREC, MEPS, & Passing ASVAB w/scrore of minimum of 35 to 50 or higher, criminal back ground check's, thorough physical exam, then swearing the oath of enlistment. If delayed entry date we'd conducted Future Soldiers Training once weekly PT training, DLC, Miltary rank and curtsies them until enlistment/ship date. "PUTT'UM IN BOOTS"


(1 year, 1 month)
Apr 2003 - Apr 2004
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Deployed with 4 ID, 2 nd BRG, C co, 588 EN BN. 21 BRAVO, COMBAT ENGINEER. We're all a bunch of Highly motivated Mine clearing UED/IED's disarming, weapon Cache blowing, door kicking, C4 blowing, H20 charge steel gate destroying, city policing, ISF training and Ground Pounding and yes Republican guard killing 21 BRAVO's Breach HELL!

Military Credentials

Additional Specialization(s)