PO3 Bryon Koshgarian, PhD

PO3 Bryon Koshgarian, PhD

Dates of Service: no date specified
44% Complete
0 Endorsements
7 Contacts
Influence Score: 429
87,796 out of 863,496 Veterans
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I have worked extensively in both the government and private sectors, as well as holding degrees that encompass counseling, psychotherapy, ethical teachings, critical thinking and sensible action. In addition, my direct experience as a non- profit agency director, manager, coordinator and administrator has given me the valued learning to resolve situations and solve problems quickly. I have over twenty years of experience in the following fields: non-profit management, program directing, grant writing, public relations, case management, counseling, psychotherapy, civil/criminal investigations, security consulting, research consulting, military service and training, academics and administration.

Military Experiences

Jun 1996 - Jun 2000
USS La Moure County (LST-1194)
Boatswain's Mate Third Class (BM3)
Served as Navy Petty Officer: Duties included, Boatswain’s Mate of the Watch; navigation; working party Petty Officer; shipboard security detail; shore patrol; cargo handling, small boat operations; Naval Construction Battalion unit security; fire team operations; weapons detail. Honorable Discharge (2000)

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Liberty International University

Doctorate, Psychology
