PVT Dominique Stewart

PVT Dominique Stewart

Dates of Service: no date specified
85% Complete
165 Contacts
Influence Score: 18,604
3,233 out of 863,498 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Jan 10

Recent Activity  -


My Professional life consists of any and everything. I am an Author, Poet, Songwriter, Photographer/Videographer, Playwright, as well as a student. A jack of all trades. I am also considering launching a clothing/shoe/cologne line.

Military Experiences

Feb 2009 - Jan 2010
28th CSH
Human Resources Specialist
HHC Company BN S1 Section BN Commander: Col Bruce McVeigh BN CSM: CSM Michael DelValle
Jan 2009 - Jan 2010
28th CSH
Human Resources Specialist
S1 clerk for a hospital basically filing paperwork all the time.
Feb 2007 - Feb 2009
72nd ESB
Jan 2007 - Feb 2009
72nd ESB
Human Resources Specialist
I typed memos and got reports signed pretty much just that. Also did awards and decorations and leaves and passes.


(3 months)
Oct 2009 - Dec 2009
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Attached to Alpha Company 28th Combat support hospital. Talil, Iraq. BN S1 section

Military Credentials

Foreign Language Skills


Arabic (Modern Standard) (4/0)


Tagalog (Cebuano) (1+/1)


german (4+/4+)

Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees