SPC Travis Burns

SPC Travis Burns

Dates of Service: Aug 1987 - Jul 1991
65% Complete
17 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,662
16,264 out of 863,574 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC

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After ETS, I leveraged my military skills into successful serial entrepreneurship in the transportation & logistics industries. My ability to gain & keep the initiative served me well as an entrepreneur. Leadership & management skills served well in transportation & heavy equipment rental organizations. I bring these skills to the veteran service world; reaching out to 1, or many vets at a time.

Military Experiences

Oct 1989 - Oct 1990
Squad & Section Leader


Southwest asia ribbon
Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Persian Gulf War- 11 Hotel Heavy Anti-Armor Weapons Infantry