Sgt Dallas D'Angelo-Gary

Sgt Dallas D'Angelo-Gary

Dates of Service: no date specified
64% Complete
0 Endorsements
18 Contacts
Influence Score: 18,401
3,267 out of 863,508 Veterans
About Discussions


  • AB Apr 64
  • Amn May 64
  • A1C Nov 64
  • Sgt Jun 66

Recent Activity  -


Aerospace Ground Equipment Repair offers experience in Mechanics, electronics, Gas turbine generators, refrigeration & air conditioning, hydraulics, and pneumatics. Once I left the service, I became an automobile technician, eventually becoming ASE Certified Master Automobile Technician. I spent 30 years in that field. Master Automobile Technician for 30 years. Area Manager for The Novelist writing site on AOL. Many awards for poetry and Short Stories on AOL. Area Manager for Newspaper Distribution for 10 years. Somewhere in there, I spent 3 years as Caregiver for my daughter during her third battle with Leukemia. She won that final round in 2000, after TBI and Chemo treatments at age 12. She went on to graduate college, even taught English in China for a year.


(1 year, 1 month)
Nov 1966 - Nov 1967
56th Air Commando Squadron
Aerospace ground Equipment Repair

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Ended in 1965

AGE Repair Tech AMF 42173-30

May 1964 - Nov 1964

Aero Grnd Equip Repmn ABR 42133

Security Clearance