Posted on Dec 5, 2022
SFC Kathy Pepper
Should these recent events disqualify him?
1. He took classified documents and stored them in unlocked rooms.
2. He had dinner with two known antisemitic men.
3. He is now talking about suspending the Constitution.

Should he disqualify himself? In 2020 he said Biden was too old to become President. If Trump is reelected in 2024, he will be five months older than the age Biden was in 2020.
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Responses: 211
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Edited >1 y ago
Speaking as someone who does not want him to run, I will still address your points. However, whether I vote for him or not, which is really the question, depends on the candidate the Dems put up should Trump win the nomination (which I do not think he will this time around).

1. He did not "take" classified documents, he retained them and fought with the Library of Congress as to whether he could continue holding on to them. The documents were not left in an unlocked room, that is a complete mischaracterization of the information released. They were stored in his resort in offices not accessible to anyone without authorization and he still has Secret Service personnel providing security to his Mara Lago resort. To say they were unprotected is a farce. Had this been the case, the FBI would have retrieved them a long time ago.

2. Maybe so and the facts are still coming out about that. Having dinner with antisemitic people does not make one antisemitic. You do know his son-in-law and his daughter are Jewish right? I assume you also noted his support to Israel as President right? The fact is, we have no idea how the dinner played out, what happened, what they may have talked about, etc. This is why it is important to get all the facts before judging people.

3. Trump, as usual, spoke irrationally and I personally think he never meant "suspend the Constitution" as he was referring to rules in general on the Twitter topic. He's frustrated about Twitter's actions to suppress information and rightfully so. However, the way he articulates his frustration and such is what I take issue with. Not because I believe he wants to do away with the Constitution. There are plenty of folks on the left who want to do away with all kinds of parts of the Constitution (Right bear arms, Electoral College, some even want to allow children and illegal immigrants to vote). What Trump said in typical Trump fashion, not separating and qualifying his statements, was stupid and yes, it is a big reason why I do not want him to run.

With that said, I will not be voting for him in the Primaries. The General election has yet to be determined, but a second term for Biden I believe will be much worse. Either way, we'd be screwed, which is why I say it is time for the American people to start promoting my generation (X) and end the Baby Boomer era of control over the office of the President (and several other significant positions). It's not their age I'm concerned about so much (although Biden absolutely looks like he doesn't know where he is or what he's doing), it's their ability to grasp today's issues and resonate better with the American people. Trump and Biden are both set in their ways and way too polarizing, so I have little desire to see either of them continue. There are better options out there. But if you think Trump or even Biden will "disqualify" themselves, I don't think you understand these people that well. In the end, even two new candidates will be turned into polarizing figures, but I didn't like either one of these two before they chose to run from President. Finally, if you're going to use those three points to call for Trump to disqualify himself, have you ever put thought to Biden's questionable actions and statements? They're essentially two peas in the same pod.
Amn James Clark
Amn James Clark
24 d
tRump is an irresponsible and irrational narcissist that poses an irrefutable danger to our democracy. To suggest that any TOP SECRET documents were safe while in his possession is the height of naivety.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
24 d
Amn James Clark - Welcome to the conversation you obviously did not read. Yes, those documents were secure. That really wasn't the issue (whether they were protected). Trump had classified information in his residence while president (as all presidents have), and he retained them after the transfer of power. The residence is still secure, still managed by Secret Service, and the security was in fact upgraded AFTER Trump left office. Read through my posts on this thread and learn something.
PO1 Joseph Glennon
PO1 Joseph Glennon
16 d
Amn James Clark - Wow, Amn... you really showed us when you typed "tRump"! Such a salient point!
Please be more specific about the irrefutable danger to our republic. (I'm not sure where you got the incorrect idea that we're a democracy... the founders did everything they could to ensure we were a republic. While "republic" *is* mentioned in the Constitution, "democracy" is not.)
Did former president Trump involve us in any new wars? Did he pull us out of a war we were already in, in a "bass ackwards" manner, stranding civilians and abandoning millions of dollars worth of hardware to the very people we had been fighting against for over a decade? No? No. That was current president Biden.

You need to get over whether someone's got a (D) or (R) next to their names, and look at their actual accomplishments.

Then president Trump added actual new jobs to the economy. Current president Biden oversaw millions of jobs being lost, then proclaims "new jobs added" when the vacated jobs were reopened, and people went back to work. Where's your support coming from? From the (D)?
GySgt Ray Harris
GySgt Ray Harris
9 d
So BIDEN/HARRIS is your answer? God, I hipe not. Instead of pissing and moaning about what a big meanie Trump is and how much free stuff Biden can give you, try voting for what is best for the United States. STOP the invasion across our borders. STOP giving our resources away to Ukraine. STOP Biden from inviting thousands of Palestinians into our country. STOP the preventing of oil drilling in the US so we can lower gas prices.
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SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM
I hope not! In my opinion, he does not embrace our value system and integrity! These factors and questionable behaviors are not consistent with the leader of the free world!
SGT Shawn Coulter
SGT Shawn Coulter
3 mo
SGT Shawn Coulter - and for you who have never been in a combat zone ,I have it should look chaotic when you fly to anyone not part of it cause if it's predictable or too long you give the enemy more chances to attack you we got lucky we could have lost more if the enemy had more time to plan and set up or if things were predictable for you no one combat vets and none combat arms
SPC Suzie Clary
SPC Suzie Clary
2 mo
TSgt William Cramer - Expand your news sources
PO1 Joseph Glennon
PO1 Joseph Glennon
1 mo
"In my opinion, he does not embrace our value system and integrity!"
The current president, who is also the Democrat nominee for the upcoming election, also "dodged the draft" with the same number of medical waivers as former president Trump. The current president has also had numerous allegations of sexual impropriety, including from his own daughter (written in her diary). He was also viewed and condemned for decades for touching / "sniffing" women who he had no objective right to be pawing.
The current president was instrumental in pushing through many of the racist laws that caused the imprisonment of many Blacks from the 1990s through today.
The current president *still* makes racially-divisive and condescending remarks - like at his recent campaign stop where he said that unlike Blacks, Hispanics weren't a simple people (yes, I paraphrased that).

"These factors and questionable behaviors are not consistent with the leader of the free world!"
Like LBJ did? Like Carter did? Like Clinton did? The last good Democrat president was JFK, and even he was a lech. Most presidents, in fact, regardless of party, have been immoral in their personal lives.

Your opinion is biased - but, that's okay, it's an opinion... just don't pretend that "your guy" is any better than "the other guy."
GySgt Ray Harris
GySgt Ray Harris
9 d
I guess you can put a bunch of alphabets behind your name and still not be the brightest bulb in the box. What is YOUR value system? Taking huge bribes from foreign nations? Allowing millions (yes, millions) of illegal aliens cross our borders to gain more poitical power?
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LTC Eugene Chu
Along with your three points, we need to remember additional accusations (tampering with Georgia electors, egregious tax fraud, January 6th involvement, etc.)
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
24 d
WOW so many Communists in our Military now, everything woke turns to shit. Trump 2024.......
Maj Robert Larkowski
Maj Robert Larkowski
22 d
SN Perry Pirillo -
Pretty bad when you are calling fellow Veterans, who swore to defend the Constitution and not a person, Communists.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
22 d
your a piece of shit. I'm outta here commy
CSM Thomas Ray
CSM Thomas Ray
8 d
This is from the Communist Party in the US, sound familiar?

• build a voter base to change the political balance of forces;
• strengthen relationships with unions, left/progressive electoral
• raise the level of class consciousness, unity and solidarity;
• identify among our members potential candidates for local office.

The first step is to defeat the ultra-right. We recognize that the Dems are the only political party that can do that, but we must also prepare for the next step, which is an anti-monopoly government. This means we accept a Dem-led government but also call for the maximum number of anti-monopoly forces to be elected to Congress as well. That will set the stage for the next step of an anti-monopoly government that includes Communists, which would open the door to socialism. If we focus only on electing Dems, what is the reason for us to exist? The 2018 midterm election clearly marked a step forward. It was, in a word, huge. One-party extreme right-wing rule ended. Trump and his alt-right (read fascist-minded) ilk have been set back.
It’s already happening with the Nobody’s Above the Law protests. Let’s get busy!
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