Gen Norton Schwartz

Gen Norton Schwartz

Dates of Service: 1973 - 2012
54% Complete
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 19,143
3,162 out of 864,902 Veterans
About Discussions


  • Capt Jun 77
  • Maj Nov 82
  • Lt Col Mar 85
  • Col Feb 91
  • Brig Gen Jan 96
  • Maj Gen Mar 99
  • Lt Gen Jan 00
  • Gen Oct 05
Commissioning Source:  USAFA, Jun 1973

Recent Activity  -


Seeking to leverage extensive experience and relationships built through regular interaction with White House principals, National Security Staffs, Secretaries of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Members of Congress, the media, a wide array of civilian businesses and enterprises and international leaders. Unique experience in succession planning. Retired as four-star military officer.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Aug 1988 - Jun 1989

Jul 1983 - Jan 1984

Oct 1977 - Dec 1977

Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Academic Degrees
