Posted on Feb 20, 2016
LTC Stephen F.
Donald Trump appears to be poised to win the South Carolina republican primary with Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio battling for second place. It seems the Trump juggernaut has still got enough steam despite or because of his red-faced diatribe against former president G.W. Bush in the last debate and his attacks on his rivals.
Will this cause anybody to drop out or will they wait until super Tuesday?
Disclaimer: I am not a supporter of Donald Trump
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 9
MAJ Bryan Zeski
Here's the thing with Trump - he's got all of the voters he is going to get. As the other candidates drop out, his numbers don't go up, they stay the same. That's ok for now, but as Carson, Kaisich, and Bush drop out, their votes are going to Cruz and Rubio - Trump may win these early primaries, but he doesn't have the votes to go the distance and he doesn't have a wide enough platform to pick up any more. Hell, I know that there are a lot of moderate Republicans that would rather vote for a Dem than for Trump because of how extreme he is. That is his downfall.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
SSgt John S. - I don't take much stock in any media headlines - I don't care. My absolute revulsion for Trump comes only from the words that come from his mouth.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
SSgt John S. - Regardless of whether you agree with his "positions," he has made no reasonable explanation of how he's going to do them. Every time he's asked "how" he says the words "Make America Great Again!" and then babbles on for five minutes of nothing... his positions are irrelevant without a plan to execute them.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
PVT James Strait - "Money is freedom." And I'm deathly afraid you might be right on that. Those with more money will be more free that those without it. That is not what our nation was founded on and that is not a value I wish to vote for.
Do I like Hillary? Nope, I don't. But I think she's less likely to drive this country into a bunch of pointless wars that only benefit the "free rich" folks and have nothing to do with international or national security than the Republican front-runner.
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Sgt Tom Cunnally
Why so many voters want Trump to be the Republican candidate for president is an indication we are in serious trouble as a nation ..IMHO
MAJ David Wallace
MAJ David Wallace
>1 y
I don't think Trump will allow such an insignificant thing as the U.S. Constitution stand in the way of his business expansion and partnerships with the Russian mob. Remember, he's got a man crush on Vladamir Putin. He admires Putin's ability to get things done: high praise for a former KGB officer........continue watching the show, folks.....
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SGM Steve Wettstein
It narrowed the field by one (Bush). Don't know why Carson is hanging around. He is just wasting money. With the field narrowing down, the establishment needs to get down to a couple, probably Cruz and Rubio, or Trump is going to run away with it. I would really like to see Kasich do better. He has done pretty good in his political career and I like how he is staying positive. All of negativity during an election really irks me.
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