Posted on May 10, 2016
PFC Al Sethre
It reminds me of when the record industry fought against MP3's for many years before they realized they would make more money embracing it rather than fighting it. Industry evolution.
Posted in these groups: Cw field hospital MedicineSwedish marijuana blog nine Marijuana
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Responses: 11
PO3 Steven Sherrill
Profit Margins. Ease of growth. Keep it a controlled substance, and they can control access, thus control price. Come out and admit that it can ease the symptoms, and you are left with the public knowing that something they can grow in their back yard with a minimal footprint can ease their ailments, and they will grow it themselves. Now the pharmaceutical companies have lost control. Further pharmaceutical companies are not in the business of curing disease. A cured patient is not a repeat customer. The pharmaceutical companies are in the business of creating customers by treating symptoms rather than curing ailments.There are exceptions to the rule, but they are few and far between. You cannot really ask a corrupt self governing system to police itself and champion the underdog.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
8 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield - The only difference is the dope dealer goes to jail, and the pharmaceutical exec is considered a "respected business person" all in perception.
MSG Military Police
MSG (Join to see)
8 y
Thumbs up for "You cannot really ask a corrupt self governing system to police itself and champion the underdog." AND ... Full disclosure, I'm going to use that.
PO1 Tony Holland
PO1 Tony Holland
8 y
Respectable business person until Martin Skreli arrived on the scene.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
8 y
MSG (Join to see) - Internet Rule #1, if you don't want it used by others, don't put it on the internet. I am glad you liked it. Thank You.
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LTC Paul Labrador
THC, the active ingredient in cannabis, has been on the pharmaceutical market for years. Look up trade names like Marinol or for other cannaboids, so the basic premise of your question is already false. The issue is that the legitimate medical usage for these drugs have been rather limited. They have been pretty much only been used for appetite stimulants in folks suffering from conditions that kill appetite. While they do have other properties (analgesia, anti-emetics, etc), there are other drugs that do those functions better. Medical marijuana, IMHO, has been mostly a sham. While some folks do use it legitimately, they could easily get prescriptions for pharmaceutical THC. Medical marijuana has essentially been an abused loophole for recreational use.
LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
8 y
SMSgt Thor Merich - There ARE valid purposes, but the DEMAND for it for those stated valid purposes are not high (pardon the pun). Which is why I say the whole medical marijuana shtick in CO and WA is crock.
SMSgt Thor Merich
SMSgt Thor Merich
8 y
LTC Paul Labrador - You are absolutely correct. Several years ago, there was a law enforcement raid of a medical marijuana dispensary in California. There were hundreds of customers in the business at the time. They interviewed every one of the customers (who were not arrested) and 75% of them did not have a medical reason for marijuana use. With the exception of treating cancer patients, glaucoma, and a very few other pain related issues, there is no science that says marijuana is a valid treatment for a medical condition. Giving out medical marijuana cards in California (where medical marijuana is legal) is big business for a select few doctors who participate. They often charge $500 for a "exam" that lasts 5 minutes and the "patient" walks out with a card. The law in California is written so vaguely that any medical condition qualifies. The whole system is a joke.
MSgt James Mullis
MSgt James Mullis
8 y
I was going to say the same thing.
LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
8 y
MSgt Mike Mikulski - As I've stated previously, if we want to make pot legal, let's cut the pretense and make it legal. But let's not hide behind this "I use pot for my glaucoma....yet I'm a 20 year old hipster who stares at a cell phone screen all day".....
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SSG Gerhard S.
Many of the arguments I'm seeing here are about pharmaceutical companies, and about medical uses, and about whether Marijuana is effective, or not. The real argument is why should the government be lording over us all, and telling us what we, as ADULT individuals can, and can't do to our own bodies, in the privacy of our own homes. After that, it is the responsibility of the user, just as is the case with alcohol to bear the consequences or damages of any actions beyond that. If one wants to make the argument that "it's used in medicine" then one can make the same argument for Cocaine, and Heroine (opiates). The argument really, is to ask why so many, are so willing to allow the Federal government to make those decisions for us, and to prosecute a violent, deadly, costly, and destructive drug war as the result of THEIR prohibition on these substances? The medical use arguments are just fringe arguments, but there are valid arguments that medicinal-izing marijuana, or cocaine, or heroine DOES give the government control.... though legalization does so, and just as well, as evidenced by the legal and regulated nature of alcohol products.
Regards all.... Great points, all politely, and cogently argued!
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