Posted on Jul 27, 2016
CW2 C2 Systems Integrator
Let me start by saying I fully support any and all prevention of Sexual Assault and Harassment.

However, when the Military is below the National average; something like 1.9 per capita versus (if you include the assumed crimes that go unreported) 3.6 on the civilian side shouldn't there be some note of praise for fostering a culture of respect that is lacking on the outside.

Why aren't we saying "we are doing something right and let's keep working at" it instead of saying "we're all screwed up still"?
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Responses: 4
CSM Geologist
Sir, If you have been through the process in the last year, you would understand why there should not be praises. What Targets of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault need to be informed about is that they need to put their health first and get to a safe place permanently away from the perpetrator. The only benefit for anyone to file an unrestricted sexual assault complaint is for the assumption of justice (accountability of the perpetrator), a Military Protection Order, and possibly a transfer. Filing a restricted report still allows the Target of the crimes to get services, physical health care, and behavioral health care for recovery. There is a significant risk of retaliation with an unrestricted sexual assault complaint. Also, there is a huge risk of humiliation and Target (Victim) Blaming that follows from interactions with improperly trained personnel. This process erodes your self-worth which can lead to risky behavior or suicide. Only 1 in 20 perpetrators even get any kind of discipline, so the outcome favors the perpetrator. Sir you could ask Carri Goodwin, a former Marine, if she has any regrets from filing a sexual assault complaint. Her voice speaks volumes to the "praises" for the current system. It MUST change.
CSM Geologist
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SSG (Join to see) - Unfortunately the process now in place is not giving full informed consent to Soldiers of what may happen with the different reporting methods. The untrained personnel are for example the IG. The SARC can refer you to the IG yo talk about retaliation that has been happening and the IG personnel have no training in how to handle this situation and how NOT to Target (Victim) blame. The Target leaves the IG office with no help then their perception of self-worth is chipped away again. It is an awful cycle. Even when there are other things that need to he investigated appropriately through a 15-6 in parallel with a CID investigation, the MWR Manager or maybe the Pharmacist or maybe the Administrative GS12 does not know how to properly talk with, hanfle, or not Target (Victim) blame. They make the situation worse since they can easily side with a perpetrator and launder an investigation, cherry pick witnesses, and create pre - determined findings. It is truly ugly and real. How can we praise anything in this system?
CSM Geologist
CSM (Join to see)
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CW2 (Join to see) - Sir Please list any positive of the current SHARP from the perspectives of the: Target (Victim), Target's (Victim's) Family, bystander, perpetrator, perpetrator's sponsors, and Commander.
CSM Geologist
CSM (Join to see)
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I do see a future that creates a system that looks at the root causes of sexual assaults to prevent as many as possible. In a perfect world it would be at zero, but it is not a perfect world. In tandem I see a system that allows Targets of sexual assault know they are safe to report this crime without the current resulting humiliation, isolation, retailiation, misdiagnosis, wrongful flagging actions, wrongful suspensions, wrongful discipline, and sometimes wrongful discharge. I see a system we can praise eventually, but I cannot in good conscious praise what happens to Targets at this time. I can only state what is available for Targets for reporting choices at this time. I have hope for the future though.
CW2 C2 Systems Integrator
CW2 (Join to see)
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CSM (Join to see) - There are no postives of the event after it has occurred. The positive outlook should be on the the SM's who continue to create an environment which discourages the behavior which leads to sexual assault and harassment.
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SCPO Investigator
The military is a microcosm of the greater American society, as far as this issue is concerned. That said, I think it would be very interesting to know what the specific demographics are concerning the victims and the perpetrators. This is a lot more to this issue than just a male and a female, or whatever the gender makeup is.
CW2 C2 Systems Integrator
CW2 (Join to see)
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True, I would love to see a full and unbiased breakdown of the statistics.
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Since/If the military is a cross section of America, I don't think it's correct to say that we have a problem with sexual assault. Sexual assault is a problem, no doubt but at least in the military we are addressing it. The first step in correcting a problem is to identify it...
IBM or 7/11 doesn't advertise their employee issues, but we do. That will draw scrutiny to us without a doubt.
I have always said and fierce advocate there is no room in the military or society for racism and/or sexual assault. Both are symptoms of larger issues.

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