Posted on Aug 9, 2016
SGT Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
So I got placed on a detail at the base gym filling in for an NCO that just had a baby..anyways the manager and other MWR staff are quite rude to the soldiers and treat us as if we are employees of the MWR and they are our first line supervisor. My question is, do they really have rhe authority to do this, boss us around and so on. I was talking to my boss and was told that "it's time to assist and clean" by the manager. They bark orders at us and I'm about to rip into this manager.
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Responses: 10
SGM Erik Marquez
Edited >1 y ago
Assuming it is an official BMM tasking though the Post G3, assuming the duties required are part of the BMM commitment approved by the post commander, and then yes, they have the authority to direct you to complete appropriate tasks.
They should be polite, professional, and speak to you in a reasonable manner. Unless they would like to have the BMM tasking canceled by post and then fend for themselves on completing those duties they will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. As the G3 SGM I pulled more than a few of our Sm from BMM tasking’s when the SM were not being taken care of, abused, or otherwise were placed in an unprofessional predicament. (Tasked to MWR for grounds maintenance, transported to the Senior NCO BMM quarters and cut their lawn, Tasked to general duties as needed, made to wash the civilian managers trailer and truck, tasked as a lifeguard, put to work in the main building as a cashier, so the civ cashier could take off each Friday for a three day weekend.)
SGT Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
We are pretty much janitors, we are barked at to go clean this, go re-rack weights, empty trash cans, go clean the bathrooms and so on. None of the soldiers or NCO'S have any clear guidelines on what our function is. I've informed PSG about this but nobody seems to care.
CPT Joseph K Murdock
CPT Joseph K Murdock
>1 y
I don't know if a Memorandum of Agreement delegating duties to the soldiers is appropriate or not.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
>1 y
CPT Joseph K Murdock - At the post, or MSC level, where BMM is requested and approved. Part of the request and approval process is a detailed justification by the requesting agency, to include specific duties the BMM will perform. |That request is commonly sent through a quarterly committee that decis to approve, deney, or partially approve the BMM request.
If approved, the BMM tasking is sent to subordinate units to fill, those units comply or submit reason why they can not.
The Tasked SM report to the requesting agency and are then assigned a supervisor... said supervise is responsible for all the takings, care and feeding IAW the BMM document. So if, the SM is required to do PT during standard PT times for that post, then the requesting agency must comply.
If the SM is required to report to his organic unit monthly for counseling and welfare check the agency is required to ensure that happens, and time is allotted.
Bottom line, yes, the purpose of, the specific tasks assignable to, the logistical and administrative support needs for the tasked BM Sm is all part of the BMM request.
That said, I can speak only for III CORPS and 1 CD. BMM is not an Army program, it is allowable army wide, but left to a MSC to decide how to implement it.
SFC J Fullerton
SFC J Fullerton
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) - Please elaborate on what your role is and how many Soldiers are in this tasking with you. As a SGT, what have you been placed in charge of in regards to this tasking?
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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SGT (Join to see) IMHO, I would take it up with the NCO support channel/COC. There is a right way and a wrong way to conduct business. Use tact and be the better person. Communication is the key!
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CSM Thomas McGarry
Over my military career I've found that some but not all civilians like to assert what little authority they have against military members when they feel they can get away with it!!
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