Posted on Jul 16, 2014
SGT Mitch McKinley
So, I know we are all sick to death of talking about Bergdahl...but the news from the last two days has me bothered and I wanted to get your thoughts.

So, he spent 5 years in "captivity", but he was able to be re-integrated in 6 weeks? I am no psychologist, but do you really think you can undo 5 years in 6 weeks?

Secondly, he is being placed in an assignment that is commensurate with his rank. But isn't it a rank he hasn't earned and isn't qualified for? Or am I just being a cold, heartless jerk?
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Responses: 2
PFC Kevin Adrian
Sgt, I do not think you are being heartless. I think like the majority of us you wonder just what the Army is thinking about this guy. It is clear he abandoned his post, in fact deserted. My personal opinion is the man is a traitor and the very least should face a Military court, and worse execution for desertion in war time. He did not earn this rank and should not be rewarded it either. Some articles are discussing a possible pay out of 250,000 for the time he was away. I do not hold credence in this but under the current administration I would not be surprised.
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SFC Unit Supply Specialist
I think you are right, the Army has to come up with a better system in order to accurately reintegrate soldiers who have been out of the system for long periods of time. I mean six weeks might sound like a long time to the person going through it. But six weeks to someone who was in captivity for 5 yrs. and 6 weeks does sound mighty quick. I would of thought more testing and counseling would be in order.
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