Posted on Sep 22, 2016
COL Lee Flemming
Earlier this week Mr. Trump stated that AAs were in the worst shape "ever, ever, ever." It is hard to say if he was just making a statement or trying to appeal to disaffected AAs for potential votes. In any case, I think he could not be further from the truth. What are your thoughts?
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 30
COL Lee Flemming
Edited >1 y ago
My statement from earlier in the week highlighted that Mr. Trump's assertion is ridiculous! The 5pm news and tabloid perspective is about as far from the truth as his statement can be. Opportunity and access to all of what our great Nation has to offer is what makes Mr. Trump's statement asinine. Crime, poverty and discontent have always existed, but the genuine ability to succeed and have that success viewed as an excepted norm is "new", and is the distinction. Once Mr. Trump truly empathizes with AAs and treats them not as a project or an aspirational voter block, but as citizens that hate divisive, status quo and business as usual politics he will gain a percentage greater than 1%. The AA community is no more Black Lives Matter than it is criminal. The AA community is not Reverand Sharpton or Reverand Wright. The problem is that when you view the community as a monolithic entity that is going along with the masses and crap you see on TV you make snap statements like that. How can I vote for a man that lumps me in with all of the negative junk that he thinks AAs are? I will proudly continue to serve at his behest when / if he is elected President, but he has got to change his tune. He has to be smarter than that! Mr. Trump doesn't have to get my vote, but as the future President he absolutely has to want my vote!!
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
>1 y
PO2 Dave Cutsinger - you are not alone in your assessment, disappointment or unmitigated fear!!
MSgt Lionel (Leo) Rondeau
MSgt Lionel (Leo) Rondeau
>1 y
You have said it perfectly. I don't care who you are, but no one can speak for anyone else or completely understand their experiences. I worked in Ferguson, Missouri just a few miles from where the riots occurred. Does that mean I understand the feelings of the citizens of Ferguson? No. Do the riots that have occurred in Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago, and other areas mean that all citizens of those areas feel the same way? No. We are a country made up of individuals with individual needs, wants, and desires. There can be no blanket statement for any one group that can be successful. We have to acknowledge the diversity while making an effort to do what is best for the masses and not forget the minorities.
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
>1 y
MSgt Lionel (Leo) Rondeau - well said Sir!!
PO3 Nichalas Enser
PO3 Nichalas Enser
>1 y
Can only agree with you, COL Lee Flemming.
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MCPO Roger Collins
Eight years later, and we have Ferguson, Baltimore and now Charlotte. Law Enforcement is the enemy and BLM rules. Chicago is a war zone. My thoughts are many are not doing their homework and listening to those that profit from their misery. Blacks and Hispanics have fared far worse than anyone due to the economic situation and corruption than most other races or ethnicties, yet our nation has the most black representation than in history, starting with the POTUS. Divisiveness only helps one party, the Democrats. I don't know of a single person that hates or makes hateful comments about blacks or legal immigrants, yet we see hate speech against the whites all the time. "Can't we just get along?"
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
>1 y
MCPO Roger Collins you make my point Sir...Why are Mr. Trump's efforts to connect with potential African American, minority and women voters failing? You can't even see beyond BLM and the issues of the you think '''hundreds''' of malcontents represent the AA community? If so, you are absolutely wrong! You are so --'tuned in' -- that you can't even see me, my long serving family, the SMs I command or the millions of University students trying to get ahead. It is actually disheartening. I am glad you got digs in on the President and BLM though!!
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
COL Lee Flemming - You are much brighter than this response would indicate. In the past, rather than attack a response, the items would be debated. This post indicated my point. As to the regularly used term AA, this is a good article, if you have the time. It contains much of the reason I refer to the race of blacks as black rather than Afrtcan-Americans. You make many unfounded accusations regarding my feelings that do not reflect my true feelings. Most conservatives are all for anyone held in a poverty situation, black, brown or white, to have all the opportunities available to those outside the inner cities. You for the first time have cast a huge net.
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
>1 y
MCPO Roger Collins - no disrespect intended Sir, but your deflection from the topic at hand was not as well-received as your posts in the past. May we agree on many future topics and RP questions!!! All the best, Lee
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LTC Immigration Judge
Probably because people aren't stupid enough to forget all of his hate-speech, misogyny, racism, birtherism and downright disgusting rhetoric from the primaries (and in the birther instance, the last five years).
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) and there is that too!
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