Posted on Nov 23, 2016
SSG Shavonde Chase
Posted in these groups: Double barred dollar sign.svg MoneyDonkey and elephant Political Organization
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Responses: 7
Capt Tom Brown
It is truly amazing how much money appears from various legal sources to pay for a political campaign. There are a lot of people in this country with a lot of money to spend on politics hoping to garner some degree of power or stroke in the big picture. Bernie Sanders showed that the small people can almost overcome the rich and powerful when it comes to giving and financing political change.
SSG Shavonde Chase
SSG Shavonde Chase
>1 y
Money talks loudly.
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Cpl Justin Goolsby
Yes and no. I do believe there is too much money in politics, but for the most part I can understand the general cost of it. It costs money to rent out stadiums and function halls across the country. It costs money to drive or fly to every demographic base. It costs money to buy airtime on television or radio. Then you've got to pay the people who come up with the ads.

A lot of money comes from lobbyists hoping to win political favor, but then you also have the average citizen who wants to support a specific candidate. Our countries population is listed at 318 million people. Even if every person only donated a dollar that is still a lot of money. Now consider that the average person would give more than a dollar. Most would probably give a 5, 10, or even a 20 dollar bill. Every little bit adds up.
SSG Shavonde Chase
SSG Shavonde Chase
>1 y
Would you say that many people do not understand the associated costs of running a campaign?
SP5 Joel O'Brien
SP5 Joel O'Brien
>1 y
IMHO...Renting stadiums/halls/etc for the purpose of preaching to the converted is a waste of campaign money. (Yes, I know, you got to 'rally the troops' and that's what those get-togethers are intended to do) The amount of moolah just spent on the Presidential quest might have been better spent on curing cancer. Think of the great publicity that would generate for a candidate! Then there's the support staff, office space, transportation and associated costs. Donations are how one pays those bills. Buying time on radio/TV/the internet, not to mention print outlets(including lawn signs/bumper stickers/t-shirts) costs money too. However, I must say I've never been influenced to vote for or against anyone or anything by one wearing a T-shirt with the name of whoever that's running for whatever.
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SSG Environmental Specialist
Yes, it is ridiculous, the amount of money spent on campaigns. Think about how much could be solved if all that money was spent on charities and research. I like Cheryl Crowes idea, limit the time span when you can start campaigning.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
SSG Shavonde Chase
SSG Shavonde Chase
>1 y
Thanks for the link. I will take a look at it.
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