Posted on May 8, 2015
SSG Derek Scheller
So it is being stated that 25D are now going to BCT's my question is this good or bad. I have seen in my experience that 25 series MOS's like 25B unless assigned to a NOS usually end up doing paperwork or if they have a TS clearance they are comsec custodians. As a future 25D I am wondering if these BCT's are allowing us to do our jobs were trained to do or if we are doing something else not related.
Posted in these groups: Ab41c41e 25D: Cyber Network Defender
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Responses: 5
SSG Ed Mikus
The COMSEC thing is a side affect of politics, some 25D's will do COMSEC, all 25D's will be involved with COMSEC, it is our job as 25D's to ensure our presence and cyber skills are known, it is a privileged we share with our senior signal leaders to mentor the rest of the Army on their need for us in their battle plans. (no, we are not offence, but defense is a big part of every battle plan).

Even without COMSEC, paperwork will be a big part of our job, we must be able to articulate where and why our skills are needed to people who may or may not understand. we must be able to prove the value of digital defense, training, budget, and more. This is why the 25D course currently contains SANS 401 & 501 which are both aimed at managing Cyber not being a technical expert. We are leading the fight in this, We have buy off from the top leaders in the country, We must convince the battle field commanders now.
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SGT Cyber Network Defender
Normally not one to necro a thread but most of my class is doing COMSEC. Most leaders only think Army and not Soldier so putting you in a vault and telling you to do your job and you will be fine is career(after Army) murder. You will have to spend a lot of time doing self training and hoping that is sufficient to maintain technical knowledge which is ALL this MOS is supposed to be. I would suggest going and doing things like for forensics and SAN's exceed Isra for pentesting. There are other sites that have penetration testing challenges you can do for free which will help you develop skills and critical thinking. Good luck.
SSG Derek Scheller
SSG Derek Scheller
8 y
Thanks for the info, already taken care of. I was lucky enough to stay out of COMSEC and have since done a lot for the unit and my career. I am now going through MEB and setup for a job when I get out.
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SFC Information Assurance Ncoic
I have bad news for you brother, I'm a 25D in a BCT with a TS. My options are COMSEC or Automations. 25D is only good for the knowledge and the certs. Other than that you're headed to straight to COMSEC
SSG Derek Scheller
SSG Derek Scheller
8 y
Not in COMSEC but I'm going through MEB now so it doesn't matter.
SFC Walter Lovett
SFC Walter Lovett
8 y
Of my class everyone that went to a BCT is doing COMSEC... Everyone else got sent directly to the CPB...
SFC Information Assurance Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
8 y
SFC Walter Lovett - My class too, well one is an acting 1SG. Why was the MOS created. Basically we're all still 25B's with good certs
SFC Information Assurance Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
8 y
SSG Derek Scheller - Where you doing 25D work?
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