Posted on Aug 7, 2017
Navy Mutual Aid Association
Navy Mutual offers a wide range of high quality term and whole life insurance products and annuities to meet every kind of life insurance need. And our policies never include military restrictions or fine print.

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Responses: 7
MSgt James Bowers
If you have no dependents, have prepaid and made funeral arrangements there is no need for any life insurance. Make a will, and make sure your heirs have current info on any documents they will need, along with combinations for safes and you have done all that needs done. My children do not need anything i have built, because I taught them to build their own wealth. My job as a parent was to raise good people and be financially irrelevant to them.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
4 y
Ditto, MSgt. My plan fully executed.
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SGT Tony Long
If you have a spouse and/or children don't believe that nothing will ever happen to them. My stepson died on us from a enlarged heart at age 18 and my wife's first born died at 6 months old. On my step son I was happy that we were covered because his funeral cost over 8 thousand dollars.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
7 y
Condolencsez on your losses, Sgt.
No amount of money can replace what's lost, it may help lighten the load of burying but it doesn't make it go away ..
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CW4 Head Of Household
The main reason for life insurance IS to take care of your loved ones. It's a for sure thing we all will use it at one time. The main thing is trying to identify if you can afford just term or whole life. Term is just like SGLI meaning it is only worth the policy face value if you pass away but if you ever decide to quit it your out the money you spent on the policy. With a good whole life policy there are options of how you want to not only pay for the policy but also how you would like to grow your policies value. I believe that with all the counselling that the military stuffs down our throats on stupid policies made by some left nut liberals we could eliminate those and design a yearly class on finances. Most everyone I know is ignorant about life insurance as I was and still am but with a son in law that went to school and is enjoying the benefits of helping others with insurance I am very grateful even at my retirement age but it's more expensive the later you start. Like with every other thing that involves you giving your money to a company represented by a salesman you do have to be careful. Get many quotes and challenge the person that is saying my companies policy is better than that. I can get anyone interested the contact info for
MAJ Battalion Pa
MAJ (Join to see)
7 y
That's some good advice, Chief. That's what I did for coverage past the SGLI. I had 90K worth of student loans from PA school, as well as 2 mortgages (One for a rental home at Bragg,) so if I were to pass away, the debt that I had would have completely ate the SGLI. With that in mind I doubled it with USAA, and now I know that if something happens to me, finances won't be something that my family has to worry about. They can pay off all debt, put the kids through college, and my wife can finish her schooling based on my insurance.
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