Posted on Oct 20, 2014
LTC Chad Storlie
What military skills have made you better in your civilian job?

Military skills from conducting AAR's to performance counseling to the intelligence process and more have great use in Business. Military skills also allow organizations to successfully take more risk.
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Responses: 8
SFC Brian Ewing
It goes hand in hand for what I do now as an JROTC Instructor, because the JROTC Cadets emulates/mirrors our program by using the same regulations, many of the policies and our hierarchy in rank, uniform, physical training and not to mention we have an Arms and Supply Rooms that adhere to the same regulations governed by the U.S. Army.

This is the perfect job to come into after serving in the military if you desire to care for our most precious resource=Our Children!
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TSgt Mario Guajardo
The military teaches members to take the initiative. Haven't met an employer that didn't appreciate that.
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Not so much my military skill sets....but the military mentality has made a huge difference in my job.

The concept of 'if you are five minutes early you're ten minutes late" is lost on most civilians.
As are the concepts of Integrity First, Service Before Self , and Excellence In All You Do.

It's more like Integrity if there is no up side for me, Service as long as I get lunch, and Excellence only when my annual review is due.

I'm not saying this about all civilians but the vast majority i've met and work with have no concept of anything bigger than themselves

I have several friends who work in HR, at different places, and they've told they will hire military (even if they need training) just because they know they will at least show up to work and give it their's a sad state of affairs when just showing up for work makes you "highly" desired.....anyway back to the question....YES the military made me more employable.

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