Posted on Nov 2, 2014
LTC Field Artillery Officer
This is an interesting perspetive between how the Army develops our senior leaders and how the other services develops theirs. Do we need to relook what is important in our senior leaders? Does command need to be a requirement for promotion to higher ranks? Are their broadening assignments out there that would be should be just as important for selecting future leaders?
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Responses: 1
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
I believe that command should be a requirement to hit at least O-6. Though in different services that is harder to do and it might only be at O-6 that command really becomes an opportunity. Broadening assignments are great and necessary, but yet others say stay operational the whole time. I think broadening assignments give you some time to rest from high pace. I do believe we need to improve our system to make it clearer of what is expected of us in order for us to be promoted.
LTC Field Artillery Officer
LTC (Join to see)
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That is a great point about improving our system...and I think we are trying to get there. One example is trying to limit the amount of KD time for MAJs (S3/XO) to the 18-24 month range, however there are too many "old school" officers out there who remember the need for the 3rd KD (BDE Level job) to ensure command selection. I think there is benefit to keeping operational, but serving in a broadening assignment right now, there is great benefit here too.
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
LTC (Join to see)
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LTC (Join to see) I think it gets complicated too with active, reserves, and national guard. If you switch components do you follow through or is it different for each component as AC you typically have more to compete with and have shorter KD times, but have more interactions, etc. Should it vary for AGRs as they are by design support staff and very few command positions.
LTC Field Artillery Officer
LTC (Join to see)
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All great questions....I think we start with AC, then move to bring the rest of the team up to one standard....Unfortunately, this is not an easy fix, if it in fact needs to be fixed!
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