Posted on Nov 21, 2017
Andrea Lozano
Hello, im looking for some advice in which branch would better suit me in what i would like to do. Im 25y old and ive always thought about serving. Its something Id like to experience first hand. To be able to learn something new and achieve greater things.

Id like to do something with learning a new language, preferably German, and be able to travel around a lot. Like an analyst or translator. I already know some Spanish but would also like to become fluent in it. I was wondering which branch can offer me the best experience for what Im looking to do.

Im also wondering if the military views scarification the same as tattoos. I have scarification designs on my left shoulder and chest but are covered by my shirt so they are not visible. I wear glasses all the time and Im not legally allowed to drive without them. Having astigmatism in both eyes my vision is not the greatest. Would these automatically disqualify me from serving in any of the branches?

Im going to talk with recruiters this week but id like to hear from others as well. Please and Thank you.
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Responses: 3
Capt Daniel Goodman
Your question is extremely complex. Your vision aspects, while obv relevant, are less of interest to me in trying to suggest an answer, than your interests, ambitions, and prior training and/or work. Imdulge me: Take the time to really elaborate on all of those aspects, in copious detail. Include hobbies, reading preferences with actual books, both light and serious. Include sports, esp. martial arts, hiking, mountain climbing, high school level, college level, etc. Describe how much exercise you do, whether your weight is in bounds, if you run or jog at all, be as specific as you can. The more you relate ajdmcompose into a really thoroughly detailed narrative, the more I and/or others her can potentially try to held you. Explain specifically what coursework you've taken, what field(s) might interest you. You omitted USMC and USCG from your vote list, as well as the USPHS, NOAA, and the merchant marine (USMS). Most don't generally kmow of the latter group of services, I've found. Does flight interest you, anything related to sailing? Have you flown before? Do clinical topics and/or ambitions interest you? Have you traveled at all? What languages do you speak now, at all, however fragmentarily? Or read or write? Do you wamt grad school? Have you done any grad school? Would you want enlisted, warrant, or commissioned? What serious militarnand/or naval history have you read, and, if any, how much? Do you understand how the various services, all of them, not just the ones that interest you, are organized, in detail? Those are the kinds of things I'd seriously ask you to consider providing, so far as you !might care to explain. Please understand, I only suggest all that to try to help you as concretely, and factually as possible, I entirely realize you might only wish to go into a limited nu!Ber of those topics I suggest, my suggestions were intended to engender thought on your part, first, if nothing else, honest. I hope that was of at least some potential use and/or interest, if you'd care to chat further, I'd of course be most willing to do so anuti!e, by all !eams, !any thanks.
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y

This is the Army Reserve Tech program, I think...
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y

Here's a site about USMC, I think Reserve Tech, though I'm not entirely certain...
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y

If you wamt language training in the services, this is the principal school...
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
I know I've sent you a good deal, you'll need to time to absorb it, and reflect on it, i realize that. Just remember one other thing, OK? The single most important lesson I learned while in was this: You're there to serve, not be served. I could quite literally deluge you with more amecdotes, interminably. However, if you remember that one point, which took !e a very long time to learn and crystallize in my mind, then illmhave achieved my principal objective, which is to try to instruct you properly, OK? You just go through what I sent, take your time, phrase your questions, I'll try to answer whatever else I can, sp far as I'm able, OK?
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
Edited >1 y ago
Andrea Lozano Andrea, below are a couple of websites that should answer many of your questions. I would do more research first, so you know what questions to ask the recruiters. Please keep in mind the purpose of the military. I doubt that you will be able to travel as much as you like, or you might not like where they send you. [login to see]
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LTJG Officer in training for Submarine Warfare qualification
I would 100% say Navy. For the scarification, i dont know if you need a waiver but even if you do, it would be easy to get the waiver for it (AS LONG AS YOU DONT DO IT WHILE YOU ARE IN THE SERVICE). The navy seems to have one of the most progressive tattooing policies in the armed service as well. For your eyes, that would just restrict you from some of the jobs; however, anything that deals with learning a language, I would think you would be fine as long as you have your corrective lenses or contacts in.
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