Posted on Mar 13, 2018
SGT Unit Supply Specialist
I am currently at my first duty station(Korea) and I emailed my branch regarding my next duty station. He told me that currently all 10/20level in my MOS are “coded E for retention.” I was wondering what this meant. He told me to wait 45more days to see if the duty station that i want has an open slot.
Posted in these groups: I want you Retention
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Responses: 2
PVT Mark Brown
I was sent to Korea for my first post right after AIT although I had put Vietnam on my dream sheet. I later learned that my MOS was a "critical MOS." Guess that explains why the recruiter push it so hard as it was not what I wanted but it was a long school, that sold me. Nearing the end of my 1st 13th months in Korea I was once again presented with the waste of paper dream sheet, I entered: 1) Vietnam {again}; 2) Korea and 3) Korea. Anything to avoid state-side or Eur assignment. Well, I spent nearly 27 months in Korea, 1968-1970. Go figure. Then, while they were drafting men at higher numbers than since WWII they were giving guys with an enlistment of 3 or 4 years an "early out" so I got out 6 months early. (I am not sure if this applied to all the US guys as well or just RA.) Why keep the well trained soldiers and replace him with raw draftees? Again, go figure. Gotta love the Army! (Which I did by the way,)
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
Without knowing which specific code he's referring to, I think he's saying that all the requisitions are coded for reenlistment for use by Retention management branch.
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