Posted on Dec 22, 2014
CPT(P) Miccc Student
I keep seeing this story about troop approval rating. To me this is very unprofessional and shows a weakness in out structure that enemies could work to exploit. When we signed on we agreed to respect the position of CoC regardless of who holds the seat. You don't have to love, like, or think he is doing a great job, but at an SM you should keep these things to yourself. It is part of what keeps this machine structured and in working order. I literally will not comment on our CoC to my family and even my own wife.

What are your thoughts? Do you believe such polls are unprofessional? Curious to know if I'm the only one seeing things this way.
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Responses: 3
CW5 Desk Officer
I guess I see your point about polls regarding the Commander in Chief being unprofessional, CPT(P) (Join to see), but I think if I were asked to answer a poll question from a polling firm, I would probably answer it honestly. I don't see that as being disrespectful towards the Commander in Chief. I could be wrong about that.

As for talking to friends and family about politics ... Well, I respectfully disagree with you on that point. We're allowed to have opinions, even while serving in the military. I know this is a touchy subject, but I think private conversations about politics are still allowed, even while serving on active duty.

I Googled this topic and found a paper (from 2007) about this sort of activity. Here's a quote about Article 88 of the UCMJ, which applies only to commissioned officers:

"The government may not charge expressions of opinion made during the course of a private conversation or adverse criticism of a protected official or legislature if it was not personally contemptuous and was done during the course of a political discussion."

Here's a link to the article, written by a military officer, if anyone's interested in reading it:,d.eXY

I think private opinions and conversations with family and friends about one's opinion of politics and politicians, including the Commander in Chief, fit that description.

So, would answering a poll question - such as: "Yes or No: Do you approve of the job the President is doing as Commander in Chief?" - be out of bounds? Again, I see your point, but if I answered no, I don't think that should be counted as public criticism of the Commander in Chief.

As usual, this is just my personal (mostly uninformed) opinion.
CPT(P) Miccc Student
CPT(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
I do see your point about the survey Chief. There is certainly great value in knowing the approval rating of the CoC for the health of the organization (aka military). I believe something like this should be done in a similar way to our Command Climate Surveys though. It is not the public's business or concern. It would be strictly for professional improvement and SM's "say" in things. A way to keep the CoC accountable for his actions pertaining to his personnel and not an obvious stab at our CoC by a tabloid-like publication trying to get attention.

I'm all for political opinion and I do believe that we are entitled to one just the same as any other American. I just believe the press and social media is not the place for it.

As far as political conversation with family or friends, that is just my preference. I have no issues with private conversation regarding politics. I just choose not to go there with my family because I know where it will end up! In retrospect I probably didn't need to include that in my initial post.

Thanks for the great resources and response Chief.
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CSM Michael J. Uhlig
I don't get too wrapped around the axle with these things....gotta remember that bad news sells and many people like to read that someone else is doing worse than them (to make themselves feel good)....when we are swear an oath, it does not mention anything about these surveys...keep it professional CPT(P) (Join to see), you are going to see many things throughout your career that you might not agree with, as long as you are grounded in values then you will be successful, don't let these things get you down.
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CPT Battalion Logistics Officer (S4)
Enemy analysts don't need polls to see that the CINC and the military do not have a good working relationship. Its been painfully obvious in the press (DoD & civilian) for the past several years.
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