Posted on Aug 8, 2018
SPC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
Good morning Sir or Ma’am,
And appreciate for your intention for having an interest about my topic

I am a specialist E4 Army soldier. Now I got the result from PA school with pending which means recomending reapplying for next year. So I decided to move my career for reclassifying to 68W since my window is open now. (I will reapply for PA next year)

I went to see a career counselor to see if I am eligible for 68W and He said yes i am eligible. But he added “even if you are qualifies and school is available upcoming March and April, you need to get an apporoval from commander since we are deploying.” And commander said no I cannot reclass on that time.

I totally understand the Army needs of us deploying but now I feel I need some advices from professionals. Due to my MOS strength, Reclassification opportunity is very rare but now is.

Thank you for reading the article!
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Responses: 6
LTC Stephan Porter
I concur with the SGM. If your unit has “stop loss” that might be part it too. Many of us feel it would be the right thing to do (let you go), but we don’t have all the factors (neither do you).

The advice to ask to see the Cdr and talk about your position, goals and the pending deployment is good!
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SGM Command Career Counselor
Commanders approve actions. Is the Soldier fully qualified for said action, in this case reenlistment. If a Soldier is qualified and recommended for reenlistment by the company commander, then he/she can re-enlist for an option qualified for IAW AR 601-280 and applicable policy messages.

Please see below, this is from policy message 18-02(C1)
5. Deployed or deploying units: reenlistment options that result in a Soldiers movement out of the unit (report dates and training start dates) must be accomplished prior to LAD minus 180 days or must be after the 60 or 90 day stabilization period following redeployment. Movement options for Soldiers assigned to OCONUS AFM units remains driven by their DEROS date. DEROS adjustments may be accomplished IAW AR 614-30 for Soldiers who have a DEROS between LAD minus 90 and LAD minus 180 days and desire to reenlist for a movement option to move prior to LAD -180. As an exception, Soldiers assigned to units identified for a Security Force Assistance Advisor Team (SFAAT) mission are exempt from this requirement.
Here the link to it

While it does not solve everything, I believe it’s important to have all the information. See if your Career Counselor can find a school date that works IAW currently policy.

Good luck and thank you for your continued service.
SPC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
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Thank you SGM, it is sincerely informative.
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SGM 1st Cav Div Command Career Counselor
Career Counselors cannot deny any Soldier’s reclassification. Career Counselor have to follow strict rules in place and ensure that the requesting Soldier is fully qualified for the MOS requested. In many cases Soldiers could meet all the requirements for the MOS requested, but there are no school seats available at that time. Commanders will only deny a request when the Soldier is pending an UCMJ action or the Soldier is flagged for actions such as APFT failure or some others.
SPC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
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I sincerely appreciate your information SGM. Career counselor said seats are available and commander said No, I cannot reclass due to deployment. And i do not have any faults on my military career.
SGM 1st Cav Div Command Career Counselor
SGM (Join to see)
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I would advice you to talk to your
Commander in person. Your commander is under intense pressure to deploy his unit with the right equipment and the righ amount of personnel to accomplish the mission. Sometimes commander have to make difficult decisions that affect many people and families.
SPC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
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Yes , i talked with commander in person related with family issue and retention issue as well.
As you mention SGM, he is in under intense pressure. Meanwhile I do not mind sacrifice myself for the Army but I do want to keep my career in right way for PA eventually.
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