Posted on Nov 20, 2018
PFC Allied Trades Specialist
Having dealt with the VA a good bit lately while dealing with other day to day stress and issues I have to ask, does anyone think the VA might actually be help cause to the veteran suicide rate due to their inefficiency and immorality.
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Responses: 5
SGT Joseph Gunderson
Sgt (Join to see) is right. The VA does not cause people to commit suicide any more than anything else that can cause a person stress. That being said, there are definitely improvements that can be made in the way the VA system is run that would probably go a long way to curbing the rate at which veterans are committing suicide and citing the VA as the primary cause of the stress that bought them to that point. Additionally, it ultimately falls to each of us to police ourselves and those around us to ensure that we seek the proper assistance when necessary and have the support structures that protect us from resorting to such ends.
I actually had a suicide attempt that I luckily had a change of heart during and I immediately went to my local VA who put me up for a long weekend and had me set up with therapy, meds, and a plan prior to me leaving a few days later. I probably would not be alive today without the quick action of my VAMC.
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SrA John Monette
I don't think the VA, in and of itself, causes suicide any more than your local civilian or military hospital. in fact, I would argue that the VA is better equipped to deal with the variety of mental health issues that veterans face than any other healthcare provider. no matter what medical or mental health needs a veteran has, the VA can provide for it.
is there room for improvement? of course. but do civilian hospitals face the scrutiny that VA hospitals face for the same problems? absolutely not.
and remember this. VA hospitals are not specialized. yes, they deal with a specific population. but there are not pediatric or cancer or heart VA hospitals. VA hospitals do a lot of different jobs and they do them, by and large, well.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
Edited >1 y ago
PFC (Join to see) I have had experiences with the VA. The VA may be a stressor, but there are plenty of other stressors out there besides the VA. There are folks at the VA who do care and are trying their best to help Veterans. There are resources out there for Veterans that are feeling depressed and overwhelmed. Those of us on RallyPoint will be glad to listen if anyone wants to just talk. Your profile has you listed as active duty. Are you active duty or a Veteran?
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