Posted on Apr 19, 2019
SSG Team Leader
I just received my official transcript from my current college. On the transcript, it states that between my Army training and my college classes, I have a total of 54 credit hours. Due to the degree I signed up for on GoArmyEd, the transcript also states that I have 27 hours completed towards that specific degree. My S-1 only relayed the 27 hours on to my SRB. Were they correct in doing so, or should I be allotted all 54 credits? Also, is there a regulation regarding these issues that I can share with my unit? Thank you.
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Responses: 8
WO1 Network Circuit Engineer
SPC, you are allowed to enter the credits from any transcript. I suggest you get a transcript direct from your college, as that will reflect your correct number of credits that they authorized for a transfer. The S1 probably only saw that 27 had been transferred and the other 27 were denied. Or you send your transcript to another college, who will accept all 54, and then take an official transcript from that school, to your S1.
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Capt Daniel Goodman
The other things that immediately occur to me are, would you want Green-to-Gold? Simultaneous Member Program (SMP)? Have you looked at any ROTCs? USMC platton leaders class (PLC), which tends to be less well known at all? Have you thought about submitting for Army WOCS for flight, being as that needs high school only? Also, look up the sevl state maritime colleges, VMI, the Citadel, also, the USMA, USNA, and USAFA prep schools for all of the three main academies, one enlisted guy where I was got USAFA straight out without the USAFA prep school, it was in our installation paper, so I know it actually happens...the state maritime colleges might interest you a good deal, also look up the junior mil colleges, all of those have Wikipedia pages...there are also the USCG scholarship programs, Navy just reopened WO1 for cyber, Army has the direct commission cyber, USCG also has sevl direct commission programs, incl engineering...explain more of your interests, motivations, and aspirations, and I can try to suggest more for you, if you'd want, OK?
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Capt Daniel Goodman

This isn't all-inclusive, however while it doesn't cover Army WOCS or direct commission indoc OIS programs, it does cover all five of the main OCS programs in all five svcs, the forum pages I'd seen are quite good, I've sent it in here many times....
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