Posted on Jun 5, 2019
SGT Shannon Mauldin
I I have attached a photo of an article that came out in the Army Times in January 2019. It discusses a new bonus for soldiers coming in to be an Army Ranger. It also mentions soldiers that are already in basic training being able to get this bonus. My son enlisted for the 11X option 40 contract back in September and he leaves for basic training on July 1. So he’s done the normal, been in the delayed entry program and will be leaving for his training in July. I have asked his recruiter to fix it so that he can get this bonus added to his contract because clearly if soldiers that are in already in Boot Camp can get it my son should be able to get this bonus as well since he is technically only in the delayed entry program now and the recruiter has blown me off. I understand how bonuses usually work but if they are going back and offering it to 11x soldiers in boot camp I think he should qualify. Please take a look at the article. Can any of you give me advice on this subject. When my son goes to MEPs for his final check out and his actual swearing in into the regular Army he should be able to have his contract amended and the bonus added.Am I way off base here? Any advice is appreciated! TIA
Posted in these groups: 75th Ranger RGT
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Responses: 3
SFC Retention Operations Nco
Army times is affectionately known as the Army Enquirer. Your son will have whatever bonus he's eligible for written into his contract at the time he ships. Bonuses aren't something that are negotiated, if it is available he is authorized it, and if he's authorized it he gets it.
There is about 5 to 10 percent chance your son passes rasp, so it's probably a moot point. But as his mother, there's nothing that you can do for him, he has to sign his contract on his own
SGT Shannon Mauldin
SGT Shannon Mauldin
5 y
I understand the potential for failure due to injury or drop out. I appreciate you pointing that out though. I still would like him to have the best information and bonus if he happens to pass it. I also understand that he has to sign his own contract. I was simply asking questions for him that he has no idea to even ask because he’s never been in the military.
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
5 y
SGT Shannon Mauldin what I'm saying is that he doesn't have to ask for it, whatever he's eligible for he will be given
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MAJ Operations Research/Systems Analysis (Orsa)
This may be an example of taking one piece of media information and using it as a singular basis for a course of action. Love the AT, but they are terrible. A simple google search revealed this bonus option is 75th Ranger Regiment recruitment option. You have to go through their track to obtain it. So a regular recruiter probably cannot help you anyway. I would imagine it’s something similar to when I enlisted and originally tried to get in as a linguist ISO Special forces. The recruiter would have to put you in touch with a 75th Ranger Regiment recruiter. The bonus is for 11x with a Ranger contract if they lock in a slot with 75th. It isn’t for an 11x who gets the ranger option and then goes into the regular Army. So my advice would be get with 75th RR POC and see if they can help. Also, I see on the actual site there are pre-qualifications that have to be met. A couple of them are higher than are usually required by a traditional infantryman like the ability to immediately obtain a Secret clearance and a GT of 105 or above. The email contact is [login to see] . Good luck!
SGT Shannon Mauldin
SGT Shannon Mauldin
5 y
I am not sure if my post was unclear or maybe you just read it wrong right before you did your google search. My son already has the 11x option 40 contract. So he has gone the “their track” and has already met the pre-qualifications. That’s what the “option 40” contract is(a slot at 75th) he goes to his infantry boot camp and “X” school, then airborne, then RASP. He is already assigned to Ranger Regiment, as long as he makes it through RASP, as his first duty station. Then he will obviously go onto actual Ranger School. That’s why I was asking about the bonus because it is specifically for the exact program that he is in and they are actually giving it to guys that are already in the middle of training so my thoughts were “why wouldn’t they give it to him as well, he has left yet?”
MAJ Operations Research/Systems Analysis (Orsa)
MAJ (Join to see)
5 y
Oooh. Ok. That makes sense. Sounds like you have covered all the bases you could then. Probably what I would do then is what someone suggested before. Have him talk to the recruiter with this information and if the recruiter says they can’t add it, tell them he won’t ship in July. This is actually what I did to get the 98G bonus added way back when. I told them I wasn’t interested until everything I wanted was in the contract. About six months later the recruiter called me to tell me they would do it. SGT Shannon Mauldin
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SGT Javier Silva
SGT Shannon Mauldin Anything that is not in the contract does not exist. Period. No matter what an article may mention. The DoD will not honor anything unless it is in the contract. Do you have a copy of his current delayed entry contract? Read the contract, including the additional documents. Having worked in an administrative department, I can take a look at it. Yes, your son, not you, can request that their contract be amended; however, he will have to be prepared to either swear in or walk-away if they are not willing to amend the contract. If your child will be 18 or over on the day of his contract, you will have ZERO say in his contract. Even as delayed entry, your son has no requirement to show up on the day is he is supposed to be at MEPS. Delayed entry's only advantage is that it counts towards the required eight-year (8) military service obligation.
SGT Shannon Mauldin
SGT Shannon Mauldin
5 y
Thank you for stating the obvious... I realize that I have no say in his contract and can not sign for him again. I am simply asking for advice for him because he has never been in the military and he wouldn’t even know what to ask. I have explained to him exactly what the delayed entry program is and I think it’s a legitimate question that he should ask when he goes to MEPS for his actual swear in and ship date.
SGT Javier Silva
SGT Javier Silva
5 y
SGT Shannon Mauldin - It is a valid question. I did say that he can ask to have his contract amended; however, he must be prepared to either swear-in OR walk away, at MEPS, if the Army decides that they will not provide the bonus. I said you have no say in his contract because YOU mentioned trying to call HIS recruiter to try and get it changed. That recruiter isn't going to answer your call/questions about his contract (your son has already signed on the dotted line - with the delayed entry, and you have already given your permission). At the time that it is time sign his permanent contract, they won't need you. That recruiter doesn't need to talk to you anymore; however, giving your son the guidance, he can talk to his recruiter about his contract. Just be prepared for them to just ignore the request - this is why I mentioned the swear-in or walk away.
SGT Shannon Mauldin
SGT Shannon Mauldin
5 y
SGT Javier Silva you are focusing to much on who does or does not need to talk to ME... ( I didn’t say anything about me calling anyone)
The recruiter doesn’t ignore me bc two weeks ago the kid turned 18..
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