Posted on Aug 19, 2019
SGT Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
I am a 68W and came down on orders to 575th med company under 62 medical brigade in April and I recently completed BLC and am promotable. I was not promotable when I was put on assignment. I have hard orders in my hands and im 29 days from PCS. If I make points for September, that would mean that I would pick up Sergeant 17 days before going to Lewis-McChord. Could I be moved elsewhere, as in another duty station? I'm going to a primarily 68W company and there are many slots, so hopefully that plays to my favor.
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Responses: 5
SFC Retention Operations Nco
You could, and if you were several months away from PCS this would be a real possibility. This close to PCS your branch won't change your assignment. Your assignment is to a Brigade, not a company. As for the company you're going to, that's controlled by the Brigade and can change at any time, any day.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
SFC Ralph E Kelley
>1 y
1. Are you looking for the position? Then most likely not as you've been promoted..
2. Are you looking for the post? Probably not because the Army does do a decent job of planning assignment s ahead using likely promotions - sometimes taking potential into their projections.
3. If you reenlisted for the post then you'll have a good chance of getting the post, greater than #2.
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SFC Michael Hasbun
Highly unlikely so long as your within one grade of the assignment... E4's become 5's so rapidly there's no difference between the two from an assignment perspective.
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LTC Field Artillery Officer
Edited >1 y ago
I'm not an expert in your Medical Command's structure. However, the unit you're being assigned to, may end up slotting you in another position if available. They may even keep you in your original position, as you can serve 2 up and 1 down in an assignment. But not a period of longer than a year, which they'll be compelled to transfer you to another position or potentially PCS you (but not likely, since you're enlisted I would think).

If you were an mid career officer, there would be a greater chance of you getting PCS orders after 1 year.
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