Posted on Sep 21, 2019
CPL Cbrn Specialist
Would I get benefits? I really want to finish out my last year and I don’t like that they are constantly trying to force me to apply for one.
Posted in these groups: Military men Discharge
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Responses: 2
LTC Jason Mackay
Edited >1 y ago
Your references are AR600-235 for ACtive duty and AR135-178 for ARNG, chapter 6.

Two main cases: financial hardship or family dependency. If you have missed drills or have difficulty meeting your obligations due to either of these, that may be why they are trying to get you pursue this. Lack of a family care plan can definitely trigger this. Family Care plans are described as a Commander responsibility to verify, soldier obligation to build a durable one in AR600-20.

They also have the option of flagging you and barring you from reenlistment based on these issues. It places the burden on you to prove otherwise.

What you are fishing for is how that separation is characterized on your separation documents. I believe the guard issues a NGB 22, similar to a DD214 for active service. Characterization of service is what governs the VA benefits (GI Bill as one of them), as determined by the VA.

Simple: if you want to finish your enlistment, meet your obligations. If you can't, then you are looking at a separation under the auspices of the two regulations cited. You'll need to specifically ask about the characterization of the discharge. AR135-178 Chapter 6 if you are ARNG.
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SSG Senior Desk Sergeant / Operations Sergeant
Edited >1 y ago
Well, what do YOU want to do? It does not matter what he/she is pushing you to do , it is YOUR career, so it is up to you. If you ask my opinion though, you have a year left; finish it, it will fly by.
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