Posted on Mar 7, 2015
SSgt Carpenter
I have a possible business opportunity that I am looking into. Right now I'm in a very exploratory phase, mostly asking questions. I am however presently in the National Guard, and don't plan to give that up. The possibility of another deployment is less likely every day, but still a possibility.
Does anybody in the Rallypoint community have experience with being self employed and getting deployed? This is a concern as the business I'm looking into would be a one man show, but would have debt, and overhead expenses on a recurring basis.
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Responses: 4
LTC Yinon Weiss
Options run along this spectrum:

1) Find somebody else to run the business for you,
2) Find a way to run the business online and remotely in your off time
3) Close the business temporarily
4) Find a way not to be deployed.

Unfortunately there is no easy option on this one.
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SGT Criminal Intelligence Nco
I opened a retail storefront when my ADOS orders ended last year. It's been an enjoyable experience and I appreciate working for myself instead if someone else. While I haven't gone through a deployment while it's been open, I would like to share a few of the issues I've run into.

1) when I've got drill or AT I need to typically find someone to sit in, handle the customers, and answer the emails and phone calls. I've for someone who does this now, but if you were planning in flying solo it does complicate things.

2) health insurance is good. Tricare reserve select makes working for yourself a lot easier.

3) leveredge the contacts you've made at your unit and through training to help leveredge business. I'm not saying to target your still buddies exclusively, but what I've found is the people I serve with on the weekends all come from different backgrounds and can further your network.
SSgt Carpenter
SSgt (Join to see)
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SGT (Join to see) Thanks for the reply. The business model I'm looking at wouldn't support having employees. Emails and phone calls could be handled by my wife during AT or say during a state call up.
I appreciate your reply, exactly what I was looking for-- someone who is doing it right now. What's your contingency plan if you were to get deployed? Hire someone to run your shop? Close the doors?
SGT Criminal Intelligence Nco
SGT (Join to see)
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SSgt (Join to see) - I've got two employees right now, I'd shift one in to manage. Most of the docs are mobile (google docs), and the accounting is all pushed to quickbooks online. That's a large part of what I do - manage the admin/day to day, and frankly, a lot of that could continue remotely. Really depends on what the tempo looks like, though.
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CMSgt Operations Group Superintendent
I am deployed right now and have a few folks that are tying to do online businesses, and the biggest problem seem to be the sporadic internet issues
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