Posted on Feb 9, 2020
LCpl Joseph Reyher
What am I supposed to do? I injured my back during my military service in the US military and before they could even look at my back, I went homeless, from there my wife paid for me to move to her country (Australia) so I have absolutely no address in America or any family or friends. So now I have a bad spine, cant get a job because I'm in too much pain to do anything and I've been getting less than $500 a month for the past 6 years from the VA. I can't afford to go see a physiotherapist or anything. How do I contact the VA to try to get my disability raised? I have tried to contact them but it seems impossible to get help overseas due to there being no VA certified doctors.
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Responses: 7
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
LCpl Joseph Reyher one of the RallyPoint Community Members lived in Australia Cynthia Croft. LCpl Joseph Reyher the number for the VA National Call Center in the US is [login to see] .
LCpl Joseph Reyher
LCpl Joseph Reyher
>1 y
Thank you
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
>1 y
LCpl Joseph Reyher you are very welcome. Send a message to Cynthia Croft over RallyPoint. She is an Australian citizen. There may be resources locally that can help you connect to the VA.
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LTC Jason Mackay
Edited >1 y ago
Use a Veteran Service Organization to assist you. I'd bet there is a US VFW somewhere in Australia. I used DAV . Do phone and email consults to see how you might refine your claim. There will likely be medical documentation required, your provider can do some of that. You may have to return for a VA exam unless they can outsource it local to you. You might have to travel to Japan, PI, or Korea to get assistance. There are many expats, I am sure someone has figured it out. Reach out through the expat community.
LTC Jason Mackay
SSgt Jim Gilmore
SSgt Jim Gilmore
>1 y
Located in Perth, that post is part of the Department of the Pacific Areas District V which includes all of Thailand, 6 posts, Cambodia, 1 post and Australia.
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SGT Robert Pryor
LCpl Joseph Reyher Eight or nine steps"
1. Google: Title 38 Part 4. Schedule for Rating Disabilities -- followed by key words relevant to your service connected condition (think fused vertebra, dislocated disc, spinal nurve injury or something like that).
2. Determine your correct diagnostic code and study how the percentages are assigned.
3. Determine if you meet the requirements for a higher percentage. Keep in mind that they can cut your benefits if it is determined that your condition has improved or was previously rated too high.
4. If you find that it is safe reopen your claim, download VA form 21-4138 from:
5. Complete the form, explaining all of your symptoms, to include those mentioned in the appropriate diagnostic code. DO NOT MENTION THAT YOU LOOKED IT UP! Play the aw-shucks simple claimant.
6. Take the completed form to the nearest US Embassy or consulate to turn in. They aren't all that familiar with what you're doing, but they will get it to VA with a record of it being received. That will protect your effective date if a retroactive adjustment is indicated.
7. The VA will tell you your next steps as far as getting examined by a doctor.
8. Make sure the examining physician fully explores and documents all symptoms as indicated in the appropriate diagnostic codes.
9. If successful, invite me to visit you in Australia -- it's on my bucket list (Just kidding on this one).
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