Posted on Apr 13, 2021
SGT Signals Acquisition/Exploitation Analyst
I'm currently stationed in Europe, and I got my orders really early. My family has to leave early to occupy our new home because of VA loan rules. I have not applied for Early Return of Dependents. My orders say dependents are authorized to move up to six months in advance. There was no room on the AMC flight to ship the dogs with them, so I'll still have the dogs. My wife leaves in June, and I'll be leaving in August because you cannot report any earlier than your DEROS when PCSing from OCONUS. Even if I could, I can only report up to 60 days early. Because my report date is in October, the earliest I could report is the day before my DEROS. So my questions are, will I be authorized BAH for my family since I will still be residing with the dogs in family housing, and if so how do I initiate the BAH?
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Responses: 2
SSG Intelligence Analyst
Your dependents are authorized the BAH at their home of record, not you. If your family has already left and are occupying a house, you need to get your BAH updated to the location they currently are. You will also need to go talk to your commander and see what your options are as you will no longer be authorized BAH/OHA for your location and will be required to return to the barracks.

If it was me, I would go ahead and find a way to ship the dogs because you 100% are going back to the barracks.
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LTC Field Artillery Officer
Edited >1 y ago
I'm not sure about the answer below (the other persons answer), I'd speak with your unit's S-1 or Personnel Section to find out how your BAH is calculated. You are in the service & your family members are your DEPENDENTS. BAH is only paid either at the Single Rate or the With Dependents Rate. BAH is usually calculated for active duty Soldiers based on the Servicemember's unit Address/Zip code- not where the Dependents actually are. Your BAH (from your Old duty station) should continue while you PCS- and will not revert to the NEW BAH, until you sign in and in-process with your new unit.

So, if you're on Leave, and not signed into the new unit- you'll still draw your BAH based on the old unit's location. As soon as you sign into the new unit, the rate will revert to whatever zip code your new unit is located.

This is a family care issue so get your Command involved if needed (First Sergent). The unit might make you draw a barracks room, I'm not sure what your unit policies are for Geo-Bachelors.
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