Posted on Jun 23, 2015
SGM Matthew Quick
Say goodbye to the General Lee as you’ve always known it.

"Warner Bros. Consumer Products has one licensee producing die-cast replicas and vehicle model kits featuring the General Lee with the confederate flag on its roof–as it was seen in the TV series. We have elected to cease the licensing of these product categories."

In the wake of the deadly South Carolina shooting and the decision by several major retailers to stop selling merchandise featuring the Confederate battle flag, the toy spawned by the hit TV series “Dukes of Hazzard” that became a Southern icon wearing those colors will no longer be produced.

While the car hasn’t been in front of a camera since 2007 — a direct-to-video sequel of the 2005 movie starring Johnny Knoxville — the General Lee remains a popular die-cast and model toy, widely available online. (One of the original cars used in the series sold for $110,000 at auction in 2012 to PGA golfer Bubba Watson.) [login to see] 32.html
Posted in these groups: Racism logo RacismE83e9618 Confederate Flag
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 9
SFC Michael Jackson, MBA
I don't the move was necessary; In fact, I think "Dukes of Hazzard" was an asset in showing the world not every confederate flag flyer was racist. It was one of my favorite shows and never saw anything racist about it. That being said, I understand and respect/support Warner Bros' decision to distance itself from the flag. Since it used by White Supremist as a rally flag, it's associated with hate. It's not "General Lee's" fault, but he has take one for the team thanks to the KKK and give up coat of arms.
MSgt Security Business Analyst
MSgt (Join to see)
9 y
Sir, the Klan also carried the National Ensign as well. Should we distance ourselves from that image as well? Anytime something is hijacked we should abandon it and just move on. When will it end? The Klan has stolen a lot of images and symbols. They use the Cross as a means to perverse Christianity. Sorry, I am not willing to reject these images and move on. I refuse to let these buffoons control my life or dictate how I live.

Yes, I was chased by Klansmen when I was a kid. They hate more than just minorities. They hate Catholics and Jews too.
SFC Michael Jackson, MBA
SFC Michael Jackson, MBA
9 y
MSgt (Join to see), the flag these days about like bearing a swazika symbol. it gives indication you stand for racim. If you hold on to the image, it puts your character is question by those offended. is holding on to confederate legecy worth being labeled in this matter? if it is, there's really nothing more to discuss.
MSgt Security Business Analyst
MSgt (Join to see)
9 y
Whoa there. My tribe still uses the Swastika symbol today in special services and events. We do not prescribe to Nazism nor do we want to exterminate an entire race of people. The Nazi's hijacked that symbol from the Native American Tribes. Once again, I do not bow down to ignorance and the lack of knowledge (by others). I was taught to die on my feet and not live in chains. To fight for what I believe in and not allow people to strip me of who I am.

I guess not many people still unbderstand that today. They prefer to see things through the jaded eyes of their fathers.

Lastly, you speak of a Confederate Legacy. I was taught that my ancestors fought for certain things. None of them owned other people nor did they prescribe to thought of thinking that was O.K.
IF The Civil War started on April 12, 1861.
Why did it take until 1863 for the President to even do something about Slavery? In the United States, Abraham Lincoln issues the presidential order the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.
Next, The 13th Amendment Abolishes Slavery in 1865.

Besides that, no one really talks about the Northern States that still aloowed slavery while the Civil War was going on.
SGT Michael McMahon
SGT Michael McMahon
3 y
MSgt (Join to see) - Let's review some U.S. History:
1 Which U.S. Political Party started the Ku Klux Klan? The Democrats
2. Why was the mission of the KKK? To return to the Democrat's view of how the United States should be - maintaining a racial divide in our nation through terrorizing Blacks, Irish, Italians, Jews, Catholics, organized labor, and any other people who were not W.A.S.P.'s.
3. How many (pre 1875) Northern States, since 1865, have had Klan Chapters? ALL 13
4. What party promoted Jim Crow Laws? The Democrats - to keep the divide by racism thriving.
5. What party promoted Segregation? The Democrats for the same reason as in #4.
6. When the KKK was in severe decline, who started pushing the Civil Rights Movement (while still supporting the KKK? That's right, the Democrats!
7. What party created the Black Panthers and what was its purpose? Once again it was the Democrats, as they needed to keep racial tensions strong, so that they could gain power from those whom they oppressed for over 100 years. The Black Panthers were the Democrats' black terrorist counterpart, to their white terrorist KKK!
8. Who is the only winner in racial divide? The Democrats, as they play both sides against one another, so that they can destroy the United States, eliminate our Constitution and instead of working for us, they wish to rule over us. The last 160 years has been one continuous power play to seize power and complete control over the citizens.

Now brothers and sisters, before the poison keyboard starts responding to this with vitriol, I want to make perfectly clear that by no means are the Republicans hands clean in this matter, as many of the top Republicans, used to be Democrats! Their switching party's is an another power play to speed up the takeover by the elitists in the Democrat Party (Infiltrate, divide, and conquer their enemy).
What we are facing today is exactly what General of the Armies and first President of the United States of America, George Washington feared and warned the nation about in his second Farewell Address, when Partisanship was just starting. I recommend reading that speech, as well as any historical documentation from both sides (Pre, during, and post war) and be educated and enlightened, as to what went and is going on (the grievances, lack of respect and the influence on the Southern Economy by the Industrial Barons and the Congress that did all the dirty work for the Barons, amd the continued push for continued racial tensions), and never, under any circumstances, trust any Politician, Celebrity, or News Media, when they say anything about racism or history, as they are all a part of the Democrats Plan to Destroy the United States, as we know it, and attempt to create a U.S.S.R./Chinese style Socialist/Communist Dictatorship in the United States. with the top of the Democratic Political elite having 100% power over the approximately 340,000,000 American Citizens! I for one will stand and defend our Constitution, it's freedoms and protection granted by it, and the limitations of power over the Citizens of the United states! May this Irish (Former Catholic) American Citizen say to everyone, "May God Bless you, my brothers and sisters, and may God grant continued blessings upon The United States of America and Israel, and bring His Judgement down upon those who deny you and fight against your two most loyal nations!
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SGM Matthew Quick
COME ON! Don't strip 'General Lee!

Guess you collectors better stock up on the pre-politically correct 'Dukes of Hazzard' memorabilia.
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MAJ Jim Steven
I could have sworn someone said we were to never go full retard...or full hoooah...
SGT Joseph W.
SGT Joseph W.
9 y
One of my favorite movies! Not that line in particular...
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