Posted on Dec 5, 2022
1LT Platoon Leader / Executive Officer
I have several officers awaiting to attend BOLC and since it is far out we have a ton of opportunity in our unit to mobilize. They already have their branch and work civilian wise as PA's, nurses and MD's.
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Responses: 2
COL Randall C.
Edited >1 y ago
Nope. Actually against the law (10 USC 671) and not just a regulation thing.

Let me caveat that ... it's against the law to order them to active duty and assign them outside the United States.

However, still against Army policy/regulations regarding the mobilization (even if in the US).
1LT Platoon Leader / Executive Officer
1LT (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you sir
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
>1 y
1LT (Join to see) - Do some digging into the the USC the COL is referencing as nothing made me qualified to practice as my state licensure and that licensure was a requirement to be a member of the Army Nurse Corps. For RNs and above the licensure and credentialing to practice is the absolute and if you had one of those positions doing something before BOLC that were licensed to practice you would not get anywhere the heat if you allowed someone that had completed BOLC but allowed their license to lapse. If someone was allowed to practice without a current license and a sentinel event happened it would be a career ender for at a minimum to the BN CO, maybe higher.
CPT Staff Officer
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
I remember it causing enough drama that I went to Annual Training in Korea without BOLC, but they needed bodies to fill seats in a TS/SCI location and I was still riding the coat tails of my enlisted Intel MOS so they let me in. It certainly wasn't being on a real mission/orders.
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SGM Bill Frazer
NO, without BOLC, you are not qualified in your MOS and so are pretty much a square peg in a round hole to speak.
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